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Let’s take a look at all of these benefits. The first is that it is fun and exciting. This is very true. Once you get going with list building you will get a real buzz every time a new subscriber is added. The size of your list defines the potential that you have to make money. Doing something that is fun and exciting will keep you motivated.
There are many other passive income models out there that do not involve capturing email addresses for list building. These models rely on driving traffic to CPA offers or something similar and there is no asset building taking place.
If your CPA marketing business stops then the money stops. If you have a good list of subscribers then you can stop working on your email marketing for a while and the money can still be coming in. The larger your list the more valuable it will be.
There is nothing difficult about email marketing. Sure there are some things that you need to avoid but if you take a common sense approach then it will all be straight forward for you. You do not need any technical skills to set up your sales funnel or set up your autoresponder. You can get started with email marketing very quickly.
Making money on demand is a very good reason to get involved with email marketing. You need to take care of your email subscribers and provide quality emails to build trust. You can make related offers to your list and there will be a percentage of them that will make a purchase and generate revenue for you. You can do this at any time.
Traffic generation is one of the biggest problems that Internet Marketer’s face. When you have a reasonably sized list then you have an immediate traffic source. You can send out an email with a link to your website or offer and watch the traffic flow.
Many people get involved in online marketing because they want to live the Internet dream. This means that they will have financial freedom and time freedom. Once you have everything set up then this is certainly achievable with email marketing.
Main reason to choose Email Marketing
Low risk and easy – you can get started in email marketing for a very low cost. You will need a domain name and web hosting and an autoresponder service but everything else you can do for free
Biggest Drawback with Email Marketing
It takes time – this is not an instant passive income model. List building takes time and if you want to develop a large list (which you should) then you will need to be patient and consistent.
Product Creation
This is another great passive income model that has a ton of potential. It does require more work than some of the other models but the rewards can certainly be worth it. The hardest thing about product creation is coming up with the ideas for new products. This isn’t difficult though as there are lots of websites that you can visit to see what is in demand.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 17 Pages
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 6,190 KB
License Details:
You’re granted master resell rights, resell rights or to resell with personal use rights.
You may add this product to your PAID membership site
You may giveaway the product as a bonus when people buy through your affiliate link
You may edit the included opt-in / squeeze / landing page
You may giveaway the eBook for Lead Generation purpose
No, you may NOT edit the contents of the eBook
No, this product does NOT include private label rights. You are granted Master Resell Rights only