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Be Willing to Change
There is nothing more threatening to a success mindset than not being able to change. If you cannot change you cannot be anything more than what you already are and therefore cannot be successful.
To be successful you have to be able to embrace change but you also have to be able to accept things as they come. On your journey there will be failures, there will be successes, there will be change and there will be surprises or things you didn’t plan for. To have a success mindset you need to cultivate your ability to adapt to change and to be more accepting which will help stop you being afraid of success.
Step 1: Embrace Opportunities
Imagine you’re home alone and your friends are busy. You have the opportunity to go out and see your favourite band, but you’ll be on your own. Do you take it?
Many of us have more opportunities than we realize but we don’t take them because of fear. We’re afraid of being ridiculed, of people assuming something in our actions, or we’re simply afraid that the opportunities we see aren’t real. Many times what we imagine in our on heads doesn’t live up to the reality and that can be a scary thing.
If you want to develop the right mindset for success you have to start confronting your fears and jumping at every opportunity, even if it might mean failure.
Step 2: Accept Everything, even Failure
We all fail. Failure sucks. We feel miserable, people laugh at us, and it’s something we want to avoid because we don’t like that feeling. The sooner you can accept that sometimes failure is inevitable and even necessary the easier it is to accept change and stop being afraid of success.
Acceptance is not resignation. Acceptance means that you know no matter what your actions and their outcomes are moving you constantly forwards. Any action that does that is bringing you closer to success.
Imagine success as a road you’re walking down. The road has obstacles, tree branches or maybe worse. You may fall, you may be able to step over them, or you may have to walk around because the road is blocked and find another way. Every step you take, even if it’s to go around one of those obstacles still brings you one step closer to your destination.
The only time this stops being true is when you give up or turn back because you’re choosing to move away from success and choosing to fail. That doesn’t mean that sometimes the road doesn’t take you backwards. Sometimes you have to step backwards to get to a different route but it’s the keeping going which will make the difference between ultimately being successful or not.
Step 3: Conquer Fear
By no longer being afraid you will not see change as something to be scared of or avoided. When you procrastinate because you’re not sure you want the change success brings you can’t ever succeed so you simply have to choose to conquer your fear. Start by understanding what it is that is making you afraid. Are you afraid of the change? Are you afraid of failure? By understanding what the obstacle is you’ll be better prepared to work around it because it has a name.
Practice getting around that. You can imagine the situation in your head and role play with yourself through it. You can even roleplay how you would handle failure to reassure yourself. The worst thing you can do is let the fear win by doing nothing.
The first way to change if you’re going to be successful is to actually be willing to change and embrace that change when it happens. You can do it!
See Failure As Success
The great Chinese General Sun Tsu wrote a book on war tactics. While you may not be waging a battle, much of his advice can be applied to life situations. One of his most powerful pieces was to see failures as a form of success.
Step 1: Learn From Your Mistakes
When it comes to your mindset for success, you are on a journey. You may never achieve it but you’re moving ever forwards on that journey by trying, and who knows, maybe success is just around the corner. But what happens then? If you succeed you’ll have to pick a new journey or you’ll be stagnating which means failure.
It’s possible for success to actually be failure!
If you’re not seeing success as something fluid rather than a defined end point then you will always be a failure. Each “success” is really just a goal or stepping stone on the way to the next one. Success is a journey or a path. Each time you go along that path you may fail. If failure on that path is the worst thing that happens then it’s not so bad.
If you fail you have succeeded in finding the wrong path. You now know not to try that again because you will fail. Think of a pathway with three possible directions. If you have chosen one and found it to be a failure that only leaves 2 more. You now have a 50:50 chance of being successful if you pick the right one. By failure you have become more educated on your journey and more likely to succeed.
Step 2: Keep Going
Success is the journey. This is one of the most common mistakes people make, they think that by succeeding they will have finished when instead they should be continuing onward to their next one. This is part of the reason we are afraid of success itself and not the smaller goals along the way, we know they’re not going to create a big change so we aren’t so afraid of achieving them. By seeing each success not as a big achievement but as a stepping stone on a never ending path we are more likely to achieve goals and be less scared of them.
Part of the success mindset is to always keep going, even when you think you’ve finished. This doesn’t mean continuing to scrape an empty plate or walk into a wall because there’s nowhere else to go. It means that if your idea of success is to make $5000 a week then when you achieve that you should aim for $10000 after.
Keep going.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 29 Pages
- 5 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2021
- File Size: 8,811 KB
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