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Chapter 2: Oatmeal
It is no secret that oatmeal is considered to be a favorite breakfast all over the world. It keeps you full and provides your body with lots of fiber. However, these are just minor benefits compared to the ones that they are capable of providing athletes.
Oatmeal is quite a popular ingredient in a body builder’s diet and makes for an important component of daily meals. It need not always be consumed for breakfast and can be eaten as a pre/post workout snack. Here are some of the reasons that make oatmeal ideal for athletes.
B vitamins
One important vitamin that is essential for the upkeep of muscle health and metabolism are B vitamins. B vitamins include vitamin B6, B7, B3 and B5, all of which are required to improve muscle function. A single cup of oats is capable of providing your body with the requisite amount of B vitamins and increasing muscle recovery. You will also feel energetic for several hours without having to snack in between.
An important component of an athlete’s diet is magnesium. Magnesium is required to relieve sore muscles, enhance cell repair and cut down on the stress hormone known as cortisol. Magnesium also helps in maintaining a healthy nervous system. A single cup of cooked oats can leave you with 275 milligrams of magnesium, much more than what several vegan foods combined can offer.
It’s a no-brainer that athletes require proteins to build stronger muscles. Proteins help in building leaner muscles that are not easily burned away during the performance. People might wonder as to how vegans can meet this protein requirement without the addition of meats and eggs to their diet. The answer lies in oatmeal, as they can easily replace these ingredients and increase body proteins by a large margin. Just ½ a cup of cooked oats can contain 7 to 9 grams of proteins, which is ideal for athletes. Dry oats are often added to pre-post workout shakes in order to capitalize on their protein content.
An athlete’s body requires a good dose of iron, as it binds with oxygen and circulates throughout the body. A cup of cooked oats is capable of providing you with 18% of the minimum requirement thereby making it a must have in the mornings.
Beta glucans
No athlete’s diet will be complete without the addition of foods that are rich in beta glucans. These help in draining cholesterol from the bloodstream and provide the body with ample soluble fibers. You will have the chance to develop a leaner waistline through the consumption of oatmeal on a regular basis.
As a vegan, you can prepare oats using water or substitute milk with almond or soymilk.
Chapter 3: Leafy greens (Kale and spinach)
Leafy green vegetables are loaded with multiple vitamins that are required to maintain a healthy body. There are several types of leafy green vegetables that one can choose from, but kale and spinach take top billing for the amazing health benefits that they provide. Some of these benefits are as follows.
– Kale
Kale is rich in many essential nutrients including iron, Vitamins A, C and K. All of these help in increasing your body’s capacity in recovering from muscle soreness. It also contains the highest amount of lutein, which is a potent antioxidant. Kale assists in enhancing cell repair and ensures that your body has the chance to fully recover after each session.
It is obvious that no athlete will be able to resist the temptation of digging into some of their favorite snacks. This includes potato chips and wafers that athletes tend to eat, feeling guilty. However, one great substitute for this can be baked kale chips. They taste great and ensure that you do not subject yourself to unnecessary calories and cholesterol. In fact, kale is known to cut down on the level of cholesterol in your blood stream thereby making it the best snacking option for vegan athletes.
– Spinach
Spinach is low in calorie content. Spinach can be quite filling without the addition of unwanted calories. Just a quick blitz in the blender and you are left with a healthy juice sure to increase your nutrition through several folds.
Spinach is said to contain nitrates that contribute toward increasing cellular efficiency. You will feel energetic before and after a workout and have enough energy to carry on without feeling too tired.
It is crucial for athletes, especially women athletes, to pay keen attention to their bone health. Excessive pressure on bones during workout and performance can weaken them and lead to bone deficiencies. One good way of dealing with this is through the incorporation of spinach in your day-to-day diet. Spinach contains vitamin K in abundance, which is required to maintain strong bones. It also contains calcium that can further improve bone health.
Fiber is required to digest food and maintain a clean stomach. Spinach can provide you with a good dose of fiber. Just a cup of spinach juice will leave you with 3 to 4 grams of fiber.
Apart from kale and spinach, you can also consume arugula, chard, collard greens, curly endive and tatsoi.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 27 Pages
- 5 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2021
- File Size: 13,463 KB
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