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Table of Contents
Introduction – What Is Acupuncture? .. 5
How It Works … 6
The Principles of Acupuncture . 7
Chapter 1 – The History Of Acupuncture & How It Affects You …. 9
The Roots of Acupuncture …… 9
The Rise & Fall of Traditional Chinese Medicine … 10
Acupuncture Today 12
Chapter 2 – The Concepts Of Qi & Meridians …. 14
Zang-Fu Organs, Qi, and Meridians Defined . 15
The Meridian Connection …… 16
Chapter 3 – Is Acupuncture Safe & Is It Right For Me? ….. 18
Who are the best candidates for acupuncture? …. 19
Chapter 4 – Conditions That Can Be Treated With Acupuncture . 22
Headaches …. 23
Seasonal Allergies . 23
Mood Swing or Imbalances … 23
Acid Reflux and Heartburn …. 24
Heart Problems ….. 24
Sleep Disorders ….. 25
Other Conditions and Disorders …. 25
Here are the health conditions determined by the WHO: …. 25
Chapter 5 – Acupuncture Techniques 27
Basic Needle Insertion .. 27
Acupuncture Techniques …… 29
Acupressure .. 29
Moxabustion and Cupping …. 29
Chapter 6 – Things To Consider Before Getting Treatment 31
Chapter 7 – After Treatment…Now What? . 34
Right After Treatment … 35
Normal Side Effects To Look Out For …. 36
Soreness & Fatigue …. 36
Mood Swings . 37
Conclusion . 38
Procedure for Needle Puncture ….. 38
Conditions for Puncture Application…… 40
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Chapter 1 – The History Of Acupuncture & How It Affects You
Long before the emergence of Western medicine, the Chinese have already established their own form of medicine and healing. For thousands of years, Chinese healers have continuously refined their system resulting in complex and elaborate processes aimed at channeling the proper flow of energy in our bodies to combat certain illnesses.
In this beginning chapter we will be looking at how Acupuncture came into existence from its inception to current use and then into the future.
The Roots of Acupuncture
Although the specific date when acupuncture was first used cannot be determined, it was first introduced in the “Classic of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor”, China’s earliest book on Chinese medicine dating back from 1st century BC. It is said that the teachings on this book make up the foundation of the techniques currently practiced in acupuncture today.
The Rise & Fall of Traditional Chinese Medicine
When modern medicine emerged and became widely used around the world, acupuncture and other forms of traditional Chinese medicine became out of place and lost its popularity, especially with its lack of scientific basis.
The 20th century became a slow time for acupuncture due to new healthcare treatments introduced by the Westerners. Many doctors educated and trained under western medicine pushed to ban acupuncture as well other branches of traditional Chinese medicine because of its unconventionality and lack of scientific basis.
The call to put an end to traditional Chinese medicine was stopped by the National Medical Assembly on the 17th of March, 1929. The protesters failed and their call was rejected. Even so, acupuncture and other methods of Chinese healing became overshadowed by western medicine. This continued on until 1934, at the onset of the Long March, a time of political unrest where the Communists had to flee their base due to attacks led by the Nationalists.
During this time many soldiers died due to lack of medicine, and anesthetics. Surgery became impossible without the proper equipment and drugs needed. This became an opportunity for traditional Chinese doctors to revive their profession in the light of the chaos caused by the war. They were able to save numerous lives with the help of acupuncture and other traditional forms of Chinese healing.
Although Western medicine may not recognize acupuncture as a science due to it being rooted in the existences of Qi and meridians (which have no scientific proof), it is hard to discount the fact the many scholars have discovered as much about the human body and its functions, as well as its reaction to stimulation and stress through the use of acupuncture.
The period of the Long March paved the way for traditional Chinese medicine to make its way back into regular medical practices in China. Alongside western medicine, acupuncture and other traditional Chinese methods gave patients more options when it came to finding proper and effective treatments for their illnesses.
Acupuncture Today
In 1948, upon the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, all divisions of traditional Chinese medicine were encouraged to be continuously cultivated and practiced by healthcare practitioners in China. Because of this, traditional Chinese medicine found its way back into hospitals by 1978, where research departments were devoted to the improvement of the many branches of traditional Chinese healing.
Today, because of the long history of traditional Chinese medicine and its eventual success in the modern age, all of its branches, especially acupuncture is now widely practiced and accepted as a form of medical treatment all over the world.
Chapter 2 – The Concepts Of Qi & Meridians
Before we delve further into the actual treatment of Acupuncture, it is also good to know about the concepts behind it and the terminology that you will hear from your acupuncturist from time to time. Getting to know the vital information about the process will be able to prepare your mind and body for what is to come.
Acupuncture is believed to help regulate the flow of Qi in the body, an important energy that aids in maintaining its natural balance and connection to the universe. The main goal of traditional Chinese medicine is to help the body achieve harmony in relation with the major organs, and harmony with the body’s external surroundings.
Zang-Fu Organs, Qi, and Meridians Defined
Although Qi may have different names in different parts of the world, the belief that it is an important energy that balances all living things, is one and the same. In traditional Chinese medicine, Qi is considered to be an important bodily substance along with blood and plasma, and are considered vital components that allow human life to flourish. These three important elements are what comprise the foundations that allow the “zang-fu” organs, tissues and meridians to function properly.
The term zang-fu is a collective term pertaining to the twelve major organs of the body. The first six being the zang organs which include the heart, lungs, kidney, liver, spleen and pericardium, while the remaining six are called the fu organs which include the stomach, gallbladder, small and large intestine bladder, and the san jiao – a term unique to traditional Chinese medicine which pertains to a mechanism responsible for the body’s regulation of temperature .
Each zang organ has a specific fu organ that complements its function. Any disharmony between the organs will greatly affect the body’s Qi and could eventually lead to sickness.
Qi circulates the body through pathways known as meridians. The regular flow of Qi in our organs and tissues is the main reason why we become healthy and illness-free. An accumulation of Qi in a certain organ or area of the body could possibly lead to blockages or masses that may have an adverse effect to the whole body’s balance.
The Meridian Connection
Meridians make it possible for every vital organ in the body to receive the right amount of Qi it needs to function properly and sustain human life. There are twelve primary meridians (zang-fu organs) and are divided into pairs as mentioned earlier.
The meridian pairings are 1) Lungs & Large intestine, 2) Stomach
& Spleen, 3) Heart & Small Intestine, 4) Bladder & Kidneys, 5) Liver & Gall Bladder, and 6) Pericardium and San Jiao. Primary meridians flow throughout the body, while a separate meridian connection also flows through each zang and fu organ pair.
Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years and these terms are still being used in different branches of Chinese healing today. Scientific back-up or none, these concepts are important in understanding how various treatments work, eventually aiding you in choosing whether it’s right for you.
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- Year Released/Circulated: 2018
- File Size: 5,587 KB
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