Squeeze Page Preview:

* 12 Issues Full Of Great Content
– Just add in your contact info and plug it in to your favorite auto responder. Each issue contains 500 words or more!
* One Ready To Go Squeeze Page
– Just add in your opt in form, upload to your server and your done!
* One Ready To Go Thank You Page
All ready to remind your subscribers to check their email and confirm their subscription. It even has built in revenue!
* 4 Researched Click Bank Products
These are top selling products on Click Bank that I’ve personally researched and chosen for each series.
* Extra Copy And Paste Article Content
You will get:
– Extra titles
– Extra opening paragraphs
– Extra closing paragraphs
– Extra fill in paragraphs
(these would make great tips that you add in to your follow ups system for more frequent contact with your readers)
Sample Content Preview
Hello “autoresponder code here”,
In the last issue we talked about writing articles that capture your
audience. In this issue we are going to talk about why writing articles
are a great for promoting your business.
Did you know that writing articles are a great way to promote your
business, no matter what kind of business you are in?
Many people don’t realize the power of writing articles, or the influence
that an article can bring. When you are willing to take time to write and
submit them it can generate a nice amount of traffic to your website.
Article authors recognize and understand that this technique is
powerful, that’s why they will take their time and write a good article
and submit it to article directories.
Here are some of the benefits that you will receive when you start
writing and submitting your own articles.
Did you know that submitting your article to article directories doesn’t
cost you a dime? In fact it is one of the best forms of free advertising
you can get. It’s also a proven method for driving traffic to your website
that has a long term affect.
-Becoming recognized as expert in your field.
When you write informative articles, filled with valuable information,
people respect you, they will think you as a teacher because you know
something that they don’t know.
– Generate more sales.
Do you know that writing an article can help you generate more sales?
In fact they are very similar to writing a sales copy. Although both have
different purposes the principle is the same “One drives traffic, while
the other generate sales”.
– Build a good opt-in list.
I really like this one, writing an article can help you build your opt-in
list. You simple add your link in the resource box of your article, send
your reader to a webpage with your subscription form on it and offer
them a free tip gift or report as a little bribe in exchange for their email
address. Once they are subscribed you can send them an email
whenever you have something to tell them.
– Promote your website.
If you have a website or plan to have one the articles are a great way to
build inbound links. Inbound links make your site look good to the
search engines. Once you write and submit an article it is an
automatically inbound link to your site without having to add a link on
your site to them.
Writing articles a great way to promote your business and to drive
traffic to your website. Don’t underestimate their power and keep in
mind that the more you write, the more you enjoy writing, and the better
your articles will become.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
importance of good titles for your articles.
Until then,
“your name here”
“your email address”
“your URL here”
Sample Extra Titles
What You Don’t Know About Writing Articles May Shock You
The Article Writing Trap
The Low Down on Writing Articles Exposed
Dirty Facts About Article Writing Revealed
The Undeniable Truth About Writing Articles That No One Is Telling You
What Everybody Else Does When It Comes To Writing Articles And What You Should Do Different
The Idiot’s Guide To Writing Articles Explained
Unknown Facts About Writing Articles Revealed By The Experts
The Hidden Truth on Article Writing Exposed
The Secret of Writing Articles That No One is Talking About
The Unexposed Secret of Writing Articles
Writing Articles – An Overview
The Ugly Side of Writing Articles
An Unbiased View of Article Writing
What’s Really Happening With Article Writing
The Ultimate Guide To Writing Articles
5 Simple Facts About Writing Articles Explained
What To Do About Writing Articles Before It’s Too Late
The Secret For Writing Articles Revealed in 5 Simple Steps
The Ultimate Solution For Writing Articles That You Can Learn About Today
Be The First To Read What The Experts Are Saying About Writing Articles
And More…
Sample Extra Paragraphs
In steps PLR membership sites. PLR articles, also known as Private
Label Rights articles or public domain articles, provide people who are
too lazy to write their own content with a means to get links back to their
site and hopefully sell some of their products in the process.
The internet is open to all segments of society and to people from all
walks of life. Access is not limited to the technologically inclined. It is
no longer as intimidating as it was when the information superhighway
first opened in the 20th century. People are less apt to admit their
computer illiteracy, rather, more members of our society are learning
how to navigate the cyberspace.
Assess your inclinations, your passions and your hobbies.What beliefs
do you hold close to your heart? Make a list. In your career, what is
your area of expertise? Do you write reports ? Do you keep a journal?
A diary? You’re already a writer!
Write a topic sentence and then “bullet” three or four key points that you
want to make. Expand each point into one paragraph each; collectively
these points will comprise the body of your article. A brief conclusion
[summation] tying all the points together at the end of the article will
bring things “to a wrap.”
Publishers are beginning to recognize the different methods of article
abuse and it’s becoming more difficult to get articles approved. As
editors begin tiring of trying to keep up with the massive influx of
articles that are obviously written for the sole purpose of gaining link
popularity or to advertise affiliate links, we will see more article
directories shut down.
Read what the multitude of e-zines and newsletters have to offer. This
gives you an idea of what interests people as they spend more and
more time surfing the web. What are the latest trends ? Pay attention to
issues that tend to pop out here and there, again and again.
And More…
Other Details- 12 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT, DOC)
- Squeeze Page (HTML, PSD)
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- Affiliate Programs List
- File Size: 23,900 KB