Authority Traffic Mrr Ebook With Audio & Video

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SKU: 21788

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Don’t worry about those posts you’re making that no one is reading. Why? Because although it might feel a little disheartening right now, the reality is that this is going to get better with time and when it does, people are going to go back to your old content and they are going to rediscover it.

That way, the post that only has 10 views right now, might eventually get hundreds, thousands of millions over the course of its life.
Secondly, remember that it’s not just about building immediate traffic. It’s also about growing your traffic in the long term. And you do this partly by demonstrating your authority, your commitment and your value.

If you have great posts on your website, then they are adding to your brand and they are impressing your visitors – even if they aren’t directly resulting in lots of views, they are still serving a purpose.

I regularly upload posts and videos that I know won’t get many views because I know they help me to build my brand and I know there’s a few people who really appreciate them.

In fact, you can get an awful lot of value out of your old posts by simply reposting them in the future. And this is one of the first actionable tests you should take from this report: re-use old content.

Don’t post something once and then assume that’s its usefulness over with. Go back to your old posts and repost them. Go back to old posts and share them on social media so that your new followers see them. Edit and update them and they can even get some more juice in Google.

And you never know: if the right person shares your content then this can actually lead to a big boost for an old page and make it every bit as successful as a new page.

The other thing to remember is that although the going is slow right now, it will pick up. It will pick up over time and it will become exponential.

That’s because for every 100 people who become long-time readers of your site, you will gain a small percentage of new people who will share your content on social media. And for every new share, you’ll gain a few new visitors.

So, if you have 1,000 regular readers, that means you have 100 shares each time you post and maybe 30 more followers. And if you have 10,000, that means 300 more followers for each post.

More readers means more people to potentially share your links when you ask them to on forums and in other places. More readers makes it easier for you to find sponsors, meaning you can afford to invest more time into your content creation. More readers means more contacts and more sway, meaning you can swap posts with the biggest names on the web instead of the smallest.

And that’s why your growth isn’t going to be a straight line but rather an upward curve. It is painfully slow to start but once you gain that initial success, it will lead to more and more success.

Lesson Two: Build a Solid Foundation

So, the key is to stay consistent and not to give up on your regular posts and your sharing. Post every week or more. Even when no one reads, keep going.

And to do that, you’re going to need to make sure this is a topic you love. It’s the only way you’re going to have the will-power and the strength to keep going when the going is rough.

And this is also what will ensure you get the next part right: building a solid foundation.

Okay, so it’s really important that you have a well-designed website and that you have a strong brand. And that you have well-written posts.

In other words, your site needs to be excellent.

This is incredibly important because it is what will make sure that someone who finds your site once, comes back. This is what makes a one-off visitor into a fan and it’s what will build consistent traffic.

And this is also what will make other brands consider working with you. Why would a top blog link to another blog that looked amateurish?

There is no way around this. You need to create a quality product if it is to grow. And trust me, investing in a good logo can make all the difference to your upwards trajectory because it makes people take you seriously and it means people will invest in your brand heart and mind.

You need to be able to confidently say that your brand competes with the biggest names in your niche. If it doesn’t, then you didn’t spend enough. Go back to the drawing board or all your hard work is in vein!

Don’t believe me? Take a look at all the pages and channels you subscribe to. I am willing to bet that none of them look amateurish or low-quality.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (PDF), 10 Pages
- 7 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 10 Audios (MP3)
- 10 Videos (MP4)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 3 Keywords List (EXCEL, PDF)
- Affiliate Programs List
- Top Forums And Blogs, Social Media Swipe Kit, Feature Images, Affiliate Toolbox Page.
- Year Released/Circulated: 2017
- File Size: 82,836 KB

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