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Ebook Table Of Contents
1. Foreword 4
What are we fishing for again? The Target: ‘Bass’ defined
2. Introduction 9
Knowing and Going where the fish are – Locating, Luring and Acquiring the target
3. The basics of Bass Fishing – An overview 12
Tools of the trade: Tackle, Boats, Accessories, Lures and Baits (all about plastics, spinners, crank and others- top-water and specialty lures) 17
Water, Weather, Timing and Other Environmental Aspect, Facets and Considerations for Bass Fishing 33
Techniques for Bass Fishing like a Pro (worms, skipping, Ripping, Drift trolling, Fly-rodding) 41
4. Mistakes and Secrets to Bass Fishing 47
5. Styles and Specialty Bass Fishing Techniques 49
6. Final Thoughts: Summary and Conclusions 51
7. References And Other Handy Books On Bass Fishing 52
APPENDIX 1: Bass Fishing Glossary 54
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1. Foreword – What Are We Fishing For Again? The Target: (‘Bass’) Defined
Whatever the reason you had for picking up these pages, to learn more about fishing, and game fishing, specifically with an all-time angling favorite embedded in the aptly titled: Bass Fishing, 101: How To Catch The Next Big One, you are sure to find a quenching reprieve. Still your thirst for knowledge and any bass fishing pursuit, challenge or battle, you will or might face in your lifetime, right here. There is something for everyone in this book!
If your main interest, is improving your ability to catch Bass, increasing, (and maybe) even stacking the odds in your favor of succeeding time and again, every time, in this angling equation and any future expeditions you plan to undertake, then this book has something of value to offer you.
When you are on the hunt for Bass, knowing the basics is like the lifeblood of your strategy, bringing your chances alive with every cast!
ALSO, discover and develop YOUR OWN sportsman-like, angling style and character, while gradually building your appreciation and understanding of the great outdoors, as part of your fishing experience.
We present a practical approach to the intricacies and complexities involved in this popular sport. We hope that this is captured well by the short title: Bass Fishing 101: How to Catch the Next Big One.
Our focus, approach, aims and goals are simple – the basis and premise even simpler: learn the basics, get them right, consistently, with skill and mastery, and they will eventually lead you to catching all the Bass you can possibly want or handle!
We prefer to get right to the topic and elements of our discussion – how to find and catch Bass! Basic yet detailed, the text is written in such a manner, that it can be put to use and work for you right away, without spending hours reading and wading through pages of information, you do not need.
Most published works and accomplished authors (many anglers themselves), depict Bass fishing as the ultimate angling experience and ‘The Bass’ (predator-hunter itself), as tough-minded, unpredictable, with a strong survival instinct, great awareness, sensing/sensors, that make them the keen and effective hunters they are…
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