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Ebook Table Of Contents
About the Bees: The Queen, Workers and Drones
The Anatomy of Honey Bees and The Life Cycle
The Changing Seasons – How they affect the Bees
How Does a Hive Work?
What Are the Different Types if Hives?
Where to Place Your Bee Hivesi
What Equipment Do You Need?
When and Where You Should Get Your Bees
How to Transfer the Bees and What’s In The Hive
All About Pollen
How the Bees Make Honey
How Much Honey to Expect
How to Harvest Your Honey
Selling Your Honey
Health Benefits of Honey and Other Bee Products
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About the Bees: The Queen, Workers and Drones
About the Bees: The Queen, Workers and Drones Bees are described as flying insects that are tightly associated to ants and wasps. These are popular for their function in pollination, as well as producing beeswax and honey. Bees belong to the super family Apoidea and are a monophyletic, currently categorized by the taxon name Anthophila. You may be surprised to know that these animals have specific functions that they have to carry out for the rest of their lives.
Understanding Bees
There are about 20,000 known species of bees in 9 named families. These insects are present in every continent on earth, expect for Antarctica. They are available anyplace where there are insect-pollinated flowering plants. Bees are adapted to feed on pollen and nector. Pollen is fed on to acquire other nutrients and protein, while nectar is fed on to get added energy. Pollen is used to feed larvae. Bees can be prey to various animals such as the bee-eater bird, mockingbirds, bee wolves and dragonflies.
Simple Anatomy
Bees have a long complex tongue called a proboscis which allows the insects to get nectar from flowers. Almost all the bees have antennae that consist of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, which is usual for the super family. All bees have 2 pairs of wings, the front pair is larger than the hind. None of them are wingless, although there are some species that have short wings that limits flying.
The Species
The Trigona minima is the smallest known bee. It is stingless, with workers measuring only about 2.1mm long. The biggest known bee is the Megachile Pluto. It is a leafcutter bee. The females of the Megachile Pluto can reach lengths of up to 39mm. Sweat bees belong to the family Halictidae, which are the most common bee type in the Northern Hemisphere. These are very small and are usually thought of as flies or wasps. The European honey bee is the most popular bee species and produces honey, similar to other bee types. The management of bees among human beings is called apiculture or beekeeping.
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