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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
What Kind of Bikes Are Available?
What Kind of Cycling Do You Wish to Do?
What is Fitness Cycling?
Preparing to Cycle
Equip Yourself Properly
Setting Up Your Cycling Fitness Program
The Right and Wrong Way to Cycle
Warming Up and Cooling Down
Cross Training
Charting your Progress
All About Accessories
Nutrition for Bicycle Fitness
Bicycle Racing
Special Bicycles for Racing
How to Train for Bicycle Racing
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What Kind of Bikes Are Available?
Different Kinds of Bikes
Bicycling has been a major pastime and it still hasn’t reached its peak. More and more people are still jumping on the bandwagon of going “biking” for different reasons.
Bicycles are technically defined as a vehicle. It has two wheels, a frame, saddle, pedals and is human-powered. The “bike” as we all call it today, has been integral in the modern history of many cultures all over the world. It is also a symbol of fun, fitness and environment-consciousness today.
There are different types of bicycles that are available out there in the markets today to cater to different people who are engaged in different biking activities. Discussed below are the different kinds of bikes and what they are used for:
-Mountain Bikes
Mountain bikes are primarily designed for the outdoors. There are a number of different sub-types of mountain bikes such as cross country bikes, downhill bikes and free-ride bikes. They are designed to be sturdy. These bikes have very durable frames, handlebars that are designed to counter the sudden jolts while riding and they usually have more than 20 gears. The most noticeable aspect of a mountain bike is its suspension system. Mountain bikes should make the off-road trip as comfortable as possible; therefore, they use high-quality suspension systems, which uses gas shock, air and spring.
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* Number of Pages: 68
* Download File Size: 196 KB