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Article Marketing
This is still being passed around some circles as a valid way to build links, and it’s not a good idea!
You could use it on a limited basis to get direct traffic from those few places that still get some organic traffic, but please don’t use this for SEO purposes! This could get you penalized, because most article directories are now considered “low quality” sites and those links could do more harm than good.
Link Building & Exchanges
No. Just… no. Don’t do it! Never go out and randomly spam a link to your site in blog comments, on free-for-all link pages, or other potentially low quality sites. Never get a link just for the sake of having a link!
And never, ever even think about doing link exchanges for the purpose of building PageRank. And especially don’t think about buying them! This will do way more harm than good!
The best links are organic links you get from users who genuinely like your content. These should be one way links, not exchanges!
Thin Content
Once upon a time, the best way to get a lot of search engine traffic was to pay for tons of cheap, low-quality content and add tons of keywords to it. There were a number of ways to do this.
Buying PLR articles and “spinning” them with automated software
Using unedited PLR
Outsourcing cheap content from non-English speakers
Search engines are smarter than ever, and they can recognize spun and low-quality content. They don’t like super short articles. They don’t like to see the same keywords repeated over and over. They don’t like to see content that is too similar to other content, even if it’s been spun. And they don’t like seeing content full of grammar and spelling mistakes.
It’s important for your blog to have quality, long-form content not only for the benefit of your users, but so search engines see you having unique, well-written content, which is what their users want.
Automation in Social Networking
Automation used to be the “in” thing for social networking, because it let you set a bunch of content or posts in a queue and you could just forget about it and let it do its thing.
That is no longer as beneficial as it once was. Not only can users tell your content is automated, but the search engines pay attention to “engagement”. If you and others aren’t liking, sharing, commenting, etc., then your posts are useless as far as SEO.
Keyword Research
Okay, keyword research is still helpful to a certain extent. Yes, you should use keywords in your writing. However, don’t sprinkle keywords throughout your content just because you think it will help, because it won’t. If you repeat keywords you sacrifice readability, and search engines don’t like that.
Page Load Time
One of the most important factors in SEO from 2014 and beyond is load time. Too many sites take far too long to load, which severely impacts viewer satisfaction. Since Google and other search engines want to give their users the best possible experience, they want to present fast loading pages.
True, it’s not one of the most important factors in SEO. But it is a factor that is often overlooked and definitely does make a difference in rankings.
There is a plugin you can use to create static HTML pages from the posts on your WordPress blog. This cuts down on loading time, because PHP and MySQL are not required each time the page is loaded.
This is the best page cache plugin, because it works great right out of the box and it will even modify your .htaccess file for you.
You can also use the Mn Combine plugin to compress JS and CSS files:
And this plugin will automatically reduce image file sizes:
These plugins are free, and they are definitely worth installing. They will also reduce your server load and bandwidth, saving you money over time.
You can also reduce page load time by reducing the use of images on your blog, using only those that are necessary. Don’t use a bunch of ad graphics just for the heck of it. Make sure they convert by testing and tracking. And don’t just throw random photos into your articles to make them look pretty. Make sure each image you use is truly relevant.
Related Posts
If you’ve been to many blogs or websites, you’ve undoubtedly seen the “related posts” section. This section links to other relevant articles on the same basic topic, making it easy for you to find more content you might be interested in based on what you just read.
This feature is also great for SEO, because if offers more links to your content, which is extremely beneficial. Search engines thrive on links, and if you don’t have plenty of links to your content internally, it will be difficult for crawlers to find all of it.
Here are some “related posts” plugins you can try:
>> (This is not for SEO purposes, but this service will allow you to “exchange” content links for more traffic from related sites.)
Pagination. Many people don’t even know what that word means, but if you see it, you’ll almost certainly recognize it.
Ever see the image above? It’s the pagination used on the Google website. It shows you links to the next ten pages of content.
Pagination is important for a blog, because it helps with organizing content and archiving it. If you’ve ever been to a blog that doesn’t paginate their content, you’ll understand its importance, because you’ll have dozens or even hundreds of posts on the same page that you must scroll through on a single page. This hurts load times drastically, in addition to making it hard to find content.
When you use pagination correctly, it will make your blog have a great crawl depth, which means search engines will be able to find your content easier and helps the PageRank distribute through your site.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 18 Pages
- 7 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML, PSD)
- File Size: 11,530 KB