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Ebook Table Of Contents
What Is a Blog and Why Have One
Website or Blog
Blog Services
Designing and Installing a Blog
What Is RSS, XML and Atom
Collecting RSS Feeds
All About Blogger
What Is WordPress
How to Create a Typepad Blog
Blogging Tools
What Is A Movable Type Blog
Making Money With a Blog
What Is Feedburner
What Are Newsreaders
All About Podcasting
PLR Ebook Sample Content Preview
What is a Blog and Why Have One?
A blog is a short-cut name for a web log. It used to be known only as an online journal where angst-ridden teens vent out their daily rants and raves. Voyeurism became the fad. No one started to become “someone” through blogging. No talent scout needed, no silver spoon in one’s mouth upon birth required. All you need is a trusty computer, some typing skills, the urge to write just about anything, and voila! You can create your own blog!
In the beginning it was just students and youngsters that got bitten by the blogging bug. Now, almost anyone of any age and status can participate in the blogosphere – the community of bloggers.
But before one decides to jump into the bandwagon of blogging, it is important to note what one’s purpose is for blogging. Choose from these varieties of functions that a blog can deliver:
Political Blogging
Putting up a blog for the purpose of getting in touch with people who have critical information to either share or contend with is one of the trendiest functions of blogging nowadays.
Not many have been involved with blogging about their daily agenda yet while lip servicing, or doing community service or any government-related events compared to the next blog purpose.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML, MS Word Doc
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 61
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 1,390 KB