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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Introduction To Body Language
Chapter 2:
Understand The Positive And Negative Positions
Chapter 3:
Observe How People React To Certain Body Language
Chapter 4:
Set A Goal For The Image You Wish To Project
Chapter 5:
Practice Scenarios In The Mirror
Chapter 6:
Train Your Body To React Positively
Chapter 7:
Learn How To Take Down Someone’s Wall with Positive Body Positions
Chapter 8:
Understand The Importance Of Symmetry
Chapter 9:
Understand The Importance Of Matching The Other Person
Chapter 10:
What You Can Get Into With The Incorrect Body Language
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 2:
Understand The Positive And Negative Positions
In order to be able to read the various body language signals fairly accurately, one must first have a basic knowledge of all the possible positions and meanings attached and projected by these various poses.
The Put Offs
When a person’s demeanor personifies confidence the body language projected would be a brisk and erect walk. This movement successfully conveys the image and mind set of someone focused and sure of themselves.
The classic stance of hand on hips and legs slightly apart typical of people trying to portray authority actually reads as being ready for any outside reaction and potential aggression tendencies. It can also be used as an intimidating tool.
Sitting with legs slightly apart for men signals confidence and a very relaxed demeanor. This body language interpretation also applies to sitting with hands clasped behind the head and legs crossed or stretched out.
The open palm position shows sincerity, openness, and innocence, as does an easy slight smile or slight upturned corners of the mouth.
When it comes to the negative body language signs, unfortunately there are a lot to choose from and fairly easy to see and interpret. For instance, sitting with legs crossed and foot kicking slightly clearly signifies boredom while the arms crossed at the chest tells of an individual’s defensiveness.
Walking with hands in pockets and shoulders hunched slightly, is a clear indication of dejection. Touching or slightly rubbing of the nose area is most commonly seen as rejection, doubt or lying. Rubbing the eye which is unwise to say the least could simply signify tiredness or feeling sleepy or have a more in depth sign of doubt and disbelief.
Anger and frustration are usually shown as clasped hands behind the back and a stiff spine position. Sometimes apprehension is also portrayed this way.
Chapter 3:
Observe How People React To Certain Body Language
Being alert to reading the various non verbal signals people constantly give out in the form of body language is a very advantageous thing to be able to do. Fortunately it is not that hard to do and some people are even very easy to read as they are very open an expressive.
However learning to be attentive to these sometimes very subtle movements does require some practice and understanding. People who are not in tuned to their surrounding are less like to be sensitive to the body language. Purposefully and intently being conscious of the various body reactions will allow for further understanding of the person or situation.
Most reactions can be comfortably put into two distinct categories. The positive reaction and the negative reaction, however the interpretations may not always be as accurate as thought of.
For instance standing closer to another person could be interpreted as being comfortable and familiar with the said person, while the action of standing further away maybe perceived as being slightly aloof or simply being less comfortable or not wanting to encourage a closer relationship.
Though all equally natural assumptions it could be totally wrong for other less obvious reasons like perhaps the perfume or scent used by an individual is overpowering and thus quite disconcerting.
Another commonly interacted body language sign is the openness to being hugged or kissed. This particular action clearly shows the person’s personality or their lack of. In being able to read this, those around are able to either extend the action or use a more reserved form of body contact.
When trying to gauge a situation or a new personality to an already existing group of people, the reactions spoken or implied through body language is very helpful. The body language of the new comer is also going to be reflected in the corresponding reactions of those already established in the particular scenario.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 33 Pages
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2017
- File Size: 3,618 KB
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