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Ebook Table Of Contents
Introduction And Foreword 4
Why Do We Need Ideas And Innovation? Ideas Are A Powerful And Transformational Force To Be Reckoned With 10
Where Do Ideas Come From? How Can We Too Come Up With More New Ideas? 12
The Brainstorming Process From Start To Finish 16
Managing The Connections, Dynamics And Interactions Involved In Brainstorming 24
Making Sense Of Ideas – What To Do Once You Have Them In Hand 29
Advocating Brainstorming To Others, Case Studies, Examples And Results 30
Brainstorming Contexts 32
o Individual
o Group Contexts – Small, Larger Groups
Brainstorming For Daily Living: How Brainstorming Can Be Useful For Your Life And Business 36
FOR THE HERE AND NOW: Secrets Of Success For Brainstorming FOR YOU! 47
FOR THE FUTURE: How Brainstorming Can Shape And Impact The Future 53
Conclusion 55
Appendix 1 56
Resources 60
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The human capacity for ideas is something truly great! For us, being creative and coming up with new ideas, answers and creative solutions, sometimes are easy, sometimes hard. Yet, it is an integral part of what makes us uniquely human and having the capacity to grow, enrich, enhance, improve and develop.
Pushing ourselves beyond the limit, thinking outside the box for example are just some of the techniques we employ to come up with new ideas, inspiration and innovation.
We can master, hone, harness and make the most of our own and others’ creativity, innovation and inspiration.
We need to constantly be on the lookout for great new ways of getting ideas out there. This is how we will get ahead, continuing to thrive, grow and flourish.
We come up with new ideas for myriads of reasons, like being under pressure to be the best and solve problems, but also for the greater good, personal development, expression and satisfaction.
Being open-minded and receptive to new, innovative ways of thinking and doing things are essential for success and results. Developing and improving new ideas are some of the basic building-blocks for growth and improvement in business, as well as for our daily lives!
To have creative ideas you need good people, the right setting and atmosphere conducive and receptive to sparking that creativity and dynamic innovation!
Brainstorming is popular problem solving and innovation techniques in a wide variety of disciplines, like engineering, manufacturing, sales, and resource or project management. To get results from new ideas, this process asks for a fine measure of creativity as well!
Sometimes coming up with new ideas can be a challenge. It may be difficult and/or expensive, then at other times working on the wrong type of idea, can be catastrophic as well! We even need to be creative with our new ideas and how use them, not just how we come up with them!
In many companies research and development often takes a back seat and brainstorming is just one technique you can use to ensure that this business priority does not fall by the way-side!
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML, DOC
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 62
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Extras: 5 Part Autoresponder Email Message Series
* Download File Size: 9,671 KB