Broken Heart Survival Guide Plr Ebook

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SKU: 16032

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1:
Accepting the breakup reality
Chapter 2:
Lesson learned from this relationship
Chapter 3:
Stop the blaming & forget the past
Chapter 4:
Stay away from your ex
Chapter 5:
Start a break up diary
Chapter 6:
Gaining strength with friends and family
Chapter 7:
Work hard and keep yourself busy
Chapter 8:
Taking care of yourself
Chapter 9:
Moving on & start a new lifestyle
Wrapping Up

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Chapter 2: Lesson learned from this relationship


A breakup is painful, but it is not completely terrible either. At least, you gained one more experience on love and life. One day, when you have healed completely from the heartbreak, you will find yourself smiling over the silly things you have done.

Learning from this relationship which has now come to an end:

Lessons Learned

You know how to choose a better partner. You will feel more confident with yourself and your choice. You will know what is best for yourself and who deserves your genuine love and care.

You learned how to treat your future partner better. Through this relationship, you understand better what really makes him/her happy.

You know when to give encouragements, and when to avoid picking on him/her. You know what must or must not be done, what should or should not be talked about.

You learned how to handle heartbreak better. In case there is another failed relationship in future, you will be stronger as you had gone through this experience before, and would not be as fragile about love life. You know what you can do to pick yourself up.

Besides, through this experience, you may know how to communicate better with other people.

You learned how to respect others. When you are in a relationship, you care for your partner most of the time, trying to understand each other and avoid complications in life.

You learned to respect the other person’s personal time and space, as well as his/her rights to speak out.

You will get to know yourself better, as opposed to presuming, you know who you are. Your partner is like a mirror to you – it reflects your personality and character, or ways to handle daily activities. You would slowly realize your own mistakes as your partner points it out to you.

Chapter 3: Stop the blaming & forget the past


To survive a breakup, you must be generous and try to forget the past. Why would you want the negative emotions to continue with no end in sight and stuck in your mind, affecting you in your everyday life functions? If you still have feelings towards your ex, forgive him/her totally; forgiveness is the greatest love act of all.

Have A Look

Do not blame anyone for everything. A breakup occurs when there are problems caused by both parties. Stop the thoughts that your ex is the one with all faults. Do not blame yourself for what you have done either and keep from regretting things.

Do not question yourself, neither what you should have actually done at that time. The relationship is over now, so why continue to figure out what to do to curb the problems, especially if there is no chance to reconcile. At this moment, you should focus on how to get rid of the heartbreak and not sticking with it.

Do not let yourself look backwards. Stop reminding yourself about the failures in the relationship, including checking back all the text messages and emails from your ex in the past. Do not allow all this to be the stumbling block that blocks you from thinking for yourself.

Remember the good, ditch the bad. Remember the good memories that both of you shared together; but avoid reflecting back the bad times and pressures, as this will make you feel less confident to start a new relationship.

Focus on the future. Whatever you experienced in this relationship, take it as experiences that brings you to a whole new level of examining yourself and moving towards a better future. It is never a good thing to reflect on all the problems faced in the relationship, but when you do, make sure you know how to find ways to improve yourself for the better.

Chapter 4: Stay away from your ex


This is the best way to get rid of having clingy feelings or emotion dependency towards your ex – stay away from your ex. Try to avoid staying in touch, as it will create chances for both of you to rekindle the flame. Do not worry about how you will survive the breakup.

Here are some tips on how to stay away from your ex.:

Staying Away

Just stick with it. It will be hard at first not to keep in touch with your ex, but it will get easier eventually. Be discipline in reminding yourself not to fall into the trap of wanting to get back together and have faith in you.

Politely ignore all your ex’s attempts to contact you. Your ex may feel bad for breaking up with you, or remain concerned about you and still care. Try to reject or avoid these contacts by telling him/her that you need some time alone.

Avoid face-to-face contact with your ex. Try to avoid meeting your ex as much as possible. Do not go and look for your ex, or allow any chances for him/her to meet with you. Besides this, you should also consider avoiding his/her close friends and relatives.

Go with your plans. To stay away from your ex, you should make your own plans to distract yourself from meeting your ex. People around may give you lots of advice, but it is best to stick with your own plans, unless you are able to make the best choices out of the advices given.

Do not listen to rumors. People spread rumors just to make you feel upset or it is sometimes done unintentionally. Do not get caught up with those negative comments; move away or excuse yourself from listening to them.

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Other Details

- 1 Article (DOC)
- 1 Ebook (DOCX, PDF), 29 Pages
- 1 Lead Magnet Report (DOC, PDF), 13 Pages
- 1 Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Ecover (JPG)
- File Size: 71,088 KB
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