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Even if someone isn’t interested in what you are selling, he/she may still want to look at your post just to see what the picture is that you’ve inserted there along with your post. This works great on Craigslist and on other sites that allow pictures, but don’t necessarily post them to view until someone has actually clicked onto your posting. Instead, the person reading ads may see a ton of ads with nothing different, but one that says “pic” next to it. Voila! Even if he/she doesn’t care much for your headline, he’s/she’s going to click onto that ad just to see the hidden picture. If you pair that picture with an attention-grabbing headline, you can be sure you’ve created a psychological trigger that few will be able to pass up. Once you’ve got him/her to click on the general ad, he’s/she’s already there, so you can bet he/she will at least read your post, increasing the chances of getting him/her to click on the backlink too.
Magnetize Your Online Presence
Another strategy that you can use in relation to pulling people from different areas is to carefully magnetize your online presence to make it attractive and appealing to your target demographic. This is important to use in conjunction with practices that pull people from other sites, like Facebook and Twitter. After all, on social networking sites, the product is you until they get to find out more about your business. Until then, you’re selling who you are until some level of trust is reached and people are willing to visit your sites due to your online presence on social networking sites.
People on social networking sites tend to want to network with other people of similar interests. This makes these types of sites very valuable to help you find new customers to target in your niche. However, they’re not going to search these sites the same way that they use Google to search for a product because the product on a social networking site is a person first. They are generally known via their social networking profiles and then are harvested off these sites and converted into customers later. This makes the careful and thoughtful building of your social networking profile extremely important to attract the right demographic to you as your friends and followers.
The way to get the right people to connect to you on these sites is to use your profile to list activities and interests that coincide with your marketing How To Build Traffic To Your Website niche. If you are a financial planner, for instance, you might want to list some good financial planning books in books you’ve read. Maybe you follow a specific financial guru, then list their DVDs. The more descriptive and targeted your profile happens to be, the more likely people of similar interests will want to connect with you online.
Once you’ve got the right profile, you want to post frequently to get people used to visiting it. You can post informational links from other sites, as well as your own copy from your own sites and offerings. When you mix in other people’s links with your own, the odds that people will click your links increases too since they won’t know which links are promoting your offerings and which are informational ones that you’re posting to be helpful. Some sites will require even more frequent postings, like Twitter. There, it’s not unusual to post 140 character tweets 7 to 10 times a day. On blogs, posting daily or every other day works great. Some bloggers, however, even post twice a day. The more you post, the more traffic you will generate.
Get Traffic Through Social Networking
As was mentioned earlier, you want to visit and maintain an online presence on sites with large traffic audiences. Twitter and Facebook have massive audiences, and they can be highly targeted once you know how to set up a profile that attracts only the demographic that you seek. However, you still must learn the intricacies of each site and seek to set them up so that you can literally update your posts in your sleep.
Twitter is called a “microblogging” site because the posts consist of 140-character updates that are called tweets. Obviously, it doesn’t take long to craft a tweet, but it does take skill to do it well. Just tweeting isn’t going to generate traffic back to your site if you have no followers. That’s why it’s important to build an attractive and magnetic profile and then actively seek followers. You can do this by just going out and following others in your market niche. Many will follow back out of pure courtesy. Even if you only have a few followers, you can still gain massive exposure if your tweet is picked up by someone in your audience and retweeted (reposted) to his/her audience too. If that keeps going from one person to another, your tweet can go viral and reach millions, even if your group of followers is quite small. It is How To Build Traffic To Your Website always better, however, to get as many followers as you can in your target niche to increase exposure.
Twitter presents some interesting dynamics in that it’s acceptable to post links to your own offerings, whereas other sites might consider them as spam. They also let you tweet many more times a day than other sites will let you post. This is really great to know so that you can automate tweets using services like SocialOomph to schedule tweets at different times of the day, even if they’re the same tweet text.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 12 Pages
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- 2 Ecovers (PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2019
- File Size: 2,363 KB
License Details:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the squeeze page.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be sold in a Dime sale event.
[YES] Can be added into a paid membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free AGAINST an email address (lead generation)
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.