Salespage Snapshot

Table of Contents
Introduction … 4
Some Solid Gold Advice When Selecting Providers … 5
Fiverr Specific Tips .. 9
Fiverr Search Terms … 12
Warrior Forum Advanced Search .. 14
Types of Links … 18
Private Blog Networks 19
Article Distribution . 23
Social Bookmarking 25
Blog Commenting .. 26
Software Service Providers .. 27
Forum Profile Backlinks … 28
That’s It! .. 30
Sample Content Preview
• Stay organized. Document the start/end dates of the project, the website address where you made the purchase, and the URL and anchor text of the links created. Keep all the reports you get back from the providers in a folder.
• Skip the VA’s (virtual assistant). This is my own personal opinion, but you can get things done a lot cheaper and faster by using multiple individuals and services versus the same person.
• Take care of your provider. A couple extra bucks goes a long way if you find a provider you feel comfortable dealing with. This could again mean your project gets prioritized. Leave them feedback after a job well done and thank them. Treat good providers like gold.
• Don’t be paranoid. Outsourcing at first may seem like a scary proposition. If you’ve never outsourced links before you can get very paranoid about any adverse effects the links may have on your site/rankings. Stop. If it was that easy to ban/harm sites using links, everyone would use them on their competitors.
• Ask about turnaround time. Not always, but if it looks like the provider is too busy taking care of other people’s projects to meet the specified turnaround time, ask first before placing an order to avoid disappointment. This is especially true of new services being offered on forums. Sometimes the provider will get a large initial surge of orders they weren’t prepared for. It doesn’t mean the service is bad, but there’s only so many hours in a day.
• Be consistent and get links built monthly to your sites. You can use a variety of different anchor text, but it’s important that inbound links keep getting built. This is less true of local SEO, but if you are competing in a general niche, you will want the links to keep coming. There’s no problem with using different providers each month.
• You can’t control link indexing. Getting the backlinks built is one thing, getting them indexed is a whole other issue. Sometimes it may take Google some time to “find” the links no matter how much pinging or other tricks you use. Some backlinks are easier to get indexed than others. Be patient.
• Ask for reports. Most providers state that you will be provided with a report after the work is complete. Go through the report, and double check some of the links. If there are a small amount of links being built, all of them should be publically visible (meaning you don’t have to login anywhere to see them) and you can check each one to make sure they’re all there. If you get a blast of 10,000 links being built, not all of them will be correct. Don’t worry about it, when you’re dealing with that sort of volume and different site, it’s not going to be perfect.
• Test before you go monthly. Never commit to a monthly expense before seeing the quality of work being offered. Ask the provider if they offer a smaller package or test run.
• If you’re unhappy, move on. There’s no sense getting into a pissing match with a provider. If you’re not happy, move onto someone else. Make sure to note the username of the person, their website address, and PayPal address to avoid purchasing from this person again.
• SEO is opinion. That’s pretty stupid of me to say since I’m positioning myself as knowing a thing or two about the search engines, but at the end of the day, the only people who truly know Google’s algorithm are the people that work at Google. Everyone else is just offering their opinion based on personal experience or testing. Things can always change, look for multiple opinions instead of just listening to one person.
• Other ranking factors. Backlinks are not the only determining factor in search engine positioning. There are a lot of other variables including on-page SEO that when mixed with backlinks can dramatically improve your ranking. Before purchase links, make sure your site is setup to benefit from them. Read up on solid on-page SEO techniques.
• Connect in other ways. Sometimes emails get lost, sent to the spam box, or never replied to. Many providers will offer these ways of additional communication. If a person offers you their Skype, MSN, or Yahoo messager id, use it.
• Look for a detailed description of the service. This is true whenever you are looking for outsourcers, the more vague a person is about what they’re doing, the better the chance you’re not going to be happy with the results.
• If you can avoid it, never directly send a person money. Always look for a “buy now” button. This will help protect you from fraudulent service providers since you can later file some type of grievance if you’re not happy.
Fiverr Specific Tips
You will be hard pressed to find a better, cheaper way to get links than using
Since utilizing the site, I have found a TON of really good providers. But there were also some bad ones. I’ve learned a lot about doing business as a buyer and how to spot the good opportunities for getting dirt cheap links.
What’s awesome about this is that you can tap into some networks and distribution channels people are paying big money for monthly or benefit for software that costs hundreds of dollars, all for $5.
You also have some level of protection. If the service isn’t complete in the specified amount of time you get the $5 credited back to your account if you decide to cancel the order:
If you have a problem with a seller, click on the “Got Problems” link.
You have several options to resolve issues:
Or you can always contact Fiverr customer service.
Ok, so here are some great tips so you can crush it buying links on Fiverr…
• Pay attention to the amount of orders the sellers has in their queue. Even if the service has a lot of “thumbs up” and good reviews, it doesn’t mean things haven’t changed and now the provider is backed up:
• Shop around before pulling the trigger. Take your time, people are forced to compete with each other on fiverr. Many people will offer the same type of service, just more. Like more links, more comments, etc… for the same amount of money.
• Don’t rely on feedback. Feedback on Fiverr can be manipulated and as I said before, things change. You are protected no matter what, so try taking some chances going with providers with limited feedback.
• Buy newer gigs. I’ve had a lot of success buying newer gigs for services that people just started offering. I think the reason for this is because the seller knows they need positive feedback in order to make more money so they will over deliver when they first start out.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 30 Pages
- 12 Graphics (JPG, PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2020
- File Size: 3,010 KB
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