Salespage Snapshot:

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ………. 2
Introduction ……. 3
Helpout Examples ……… 5
What Can YOU Teach? ………. 7
How it Works …. 8
Things You’ll Need …… 11
Creating Successful Helpouts .. 13
Create a Great Intro Video …. 13
Link to Google Analytics ……. 13
Build Up Reviews ….. 14
Improving Your Search Position …….. 14
Promotion … 15
Conclusion …… 17
Resources …… 18
Sample Content Preview
Here is a screenshot of what is currently popular in the “Computers & Electronics” category:
As you can see, classes such as removing viruses, repairing computers and using Apple products are popular. You can also click “VIEW ALL IN COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS” at the top right of this section to find more Helpouts in the category.
What Can YOU Teach?
Once you have an idea of the type of subjects that are popular, start making a list of things you have passion for and expertise in. Remember, you do NOT have to be an expert at the subject. Even if you’re a relative beginner, there are ALWAYS people who know less about a subject than you do! (Just mark your class as “for beginners”.)
Also, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to “teach” something. You could also offer critiques or other types of advice. For example, let’s say you’re a great artist. You could offer to critique other people’s art, letting them know exactly how they could improve a particular piece of art. Once you have a list of things you’re passionate about and have knowledge about, decide on what you think people are most likely to want to pay for. You can even check Helpouts to see if anyone else is offering classes on the subject, and if so, how many reviews they have. If they have a large number of reviews, it means people are paying them for their Helpouts.
Don’t be discouraged if no one is currently offering what you want to offer. That could be a good thing, because it means less competition. There are people who want to learn nearly anything you could think of!
How it Works
If you want to make money with your own Helpouts, you’ll need to know a little bit about how the process actually works.
Have you ever done any kind of online video chat? It could be something like Facetime on Apple devices, or a Skype video chat or something similar. It’s basically a phone call but with both people appearing on video. A Helpout is basically a video teleconference where one person teaches something to the other person.
For example, if you have a virus on your desktop computer and you need help removing it, you can connect on your laptop with someone who knows how to remove viruses and have them help you remove it live. They can walk you through the process from start to finish, and they’ll be there to help you if you make any mistakes or if something goes wrong during the process.
It’s all very rewarding for both parties, because the teacher can see what you’re doing in order to better help you, and you can see what the teacher is doing in case you don’t understand exactly what they asked you to do. When you create a Helpout, you’ll set up times you’ll be available so people will know when you will be at your computer and able to help them. You’ll also be able to set a price for your help. You could charge by the minute, by the hour, or in specific increments, such as a 15-minute or 30- minute session.
Charging by the session is beneficial, because it guarantees you a certain amount of money for your time. If you charged $1 per minute and you helped a person with their problem in two minutes, you’d only make $2. That might not be worth the time it takes to log into the session and participate. However, if you charged $30 for a 15-minute session, you’d earn $30 for that same two minutes.
You can also choose to charge a cancellation fee if people don’t show up to their appointed time. This is kind of like when a doctor’s office charges you for missing an appointment. Helpouts priced per session will be charged half the total price, and those that charge per minute will be charged for five minutes of service.
You’ll set a schedule for when you’re available, and people can contact you about availability. If you’re currently too busy, they’ll receive a “booked up” message and can send you a message.
When you apply to create a Helpout, you’ll have to go through the interview session in which a Google employee will talk to you about your qualifications and will help you set up a great listing that will help you get more sales.
Google has an entire step-by-step guide to creating your listing: >>
This page has an 8-step process that includes the following:
1. Get a Google+ account.
2. Choose a category.
3. Add a title.
4. Write a great description.
5. Add your qualifications.
6. Set a price.
7. Add a listing photo.
8. Add a video.
While this list is relatively basic, it will help you get started quickly. Later in this report, you’ll learn about some ways you can improve your listings in order to make more money.
Things You’ll Need
The first thing you really need to do in order to get started making money with Google Helpouts is to be sure you have everything you need to get started.
1. A Google+ Account – Everyone who uses Google Helpouts must use their Google+ account to participate. If you don’t have one, it’s quick and easy to set one up.
2. A Google Wallet Account – If you want to get paid for your Helpout, you’ll need a Google Wallet account. It’s not difficult to get one, and you don’t need a credit check or anything like that. It’s basically like a PayPal account. You can even get a Google Wallet card that will let you spend your money in stores or even withdraw cash from ATMs, giving you 24/7 instant access to the money you earn.
3. A Quality Webcam – Because Helpouts are video-based, you must have a quality webcam. If your cam is low quality, people aren’t going to be happy paying you, because they might not be able to see what you’re doing very well. If you don’t already have a decent webcam, it’s advisable to invest in one. They aren’t very expensive these days and you can use them for so many things.
4. A Decent Microphone – Some webcams come with a built-in microphone, but if yours doesn’t, you’ll need to get one. You want to get something quality, because people need to be able to hear and understand you in order to learn from you. As with webcams, decent microphones aren’t that expensive these days.
5. A Computer – Obviously, you’ll need a computer. It doesn’t have to be an expensive monstrosity. Just a basic computer that has a fair amount of speed will do fine. Anything bought in the last five or six years should be adequate.
6. A Good Internet Connection – It’s important that you have a decent internet connection, because if your internet is slow, your video and audio will be skippy and will frustrate your customers. Be sure you have fast internet. You’ll probably need a minimum of a 3- megabit connection, but more is definitely better.
Creating Successful Helpouts
It’s not difficult to set up a Helpout, but there are some tips you can use to draw more attention and more sales to your Helpouts.
You’ll be able to create a 30-second promo video for your Helpout that can introduce you and your expertise to potential customers. This video gives you the chance to go through the different reasons people should choose you over other people offering similar Helpouts. Let them know what makes your service different, how much experience you have, etc. This video also lets people see if they like your video style and your mannerisms. The more personable and interesting you are in your intro video, the more likely people are to buy a session from you. You can record your video straight from your webcam, or you can create a separate video presentation and upload it from your computer.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 18 Pages
- 7 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML, PSD)
- File Size: 11,150 KB