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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Historical & Philosophical Origins of Chi Practice
Chapter 2:
Theory & Practice of Chi
Chapter 3:
Mastering Your Own Chi
Chapter 4:
Getting Control of Your Life Through Chi Mastery
Chapter 5:
Mastering The Art Of Meditative Chi
Chapter 6:
Discovering Your True Self
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 1:
Historical & Philosophical Origins of Chi Practice
In this chapter, you are going to learn some of the historical and philosophical origins of Chi practices.
Some Details On Chi
This spectacular practice has its roots from diverse subcultures within the wide Chinese society and comes in a variety of forms that one can choose from. Religious communities such as Taoist & Buddhists do utilize this form of art for their meditative sessions. Moreover, many Confucian scholars do practice it as a means of improving their own moral character. In mid 40s the ruling Chinese regime tried to incorporate several disparate Chi approaches into a single but coherent structure with key intention of instituting much firmer scientific origins for these practices. It was also to be considered as one fraction of the opinionated values regarding Cultural Revolution.
Through constant migration by people from all corners of the earth to and from China this practice has spread to diverse corners of the world, and it has been received well by those who have come into contact with it.
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