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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Defining Cloud Computing
Chapter 2: Benefits Of Cloud Computing
Chapter 3: Is Cloud Computing Really Secured?
Chapter 4: What Is Public Cloud All About?
Chapter 5: Understanding The Concept of Private Cloud
Chapter 6: Hybrid Cloud and It’s Advantages
Chapter 7: Types of Cloud for Your Business
Chapter 8: Key Features of Cloud Computing
Chapter 9: Revolutionize Your Business With Cloud Computing
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 2: Benefits Of Cloud Computing
The rather delicate process of conveying and using information technology services and resources is the basics providing element of the cloud computing. For some cloud computing is a paradigm where information is permanently stored in servers on the internet and cached temporarily on clients that include tools for such online purposes.
The Benefits
Perhaps the first thing that should be noted is the fact that the cloud computing models are not owned by the users but are instead rented or paid for when needed. Although this may seem like loss of control, the other points far outdo this thought process.
The most compelling attraction would be the lower costs involved in utilizing the cloud tool, as this will help the companies to focus on their goods and services rather than having to come with funds to constantly upgrade their computer systems.
The lowering of the technology based capital in no way effects the access to devices and locations independently, thus enabling the user access to systems anywhere and anytime.
There is also better overall performance, load balancing and even locating data processes with much lower overall costs involved when comparisons are made with the older and more conventional methods previously used.
Cloud computing is also reputed to be able to contribute to a higher affect of reliability and scalability in many positive ways, one of which is in the area of data security. The security improves considerably although some data may be lost as the system automatically seems to eliminate these.
Cloud computing also is able to produce better and more improved resource utilization where there is sustainability in movement such as green technology or clean technology. Most of the bigger companies are taking an active role in this seemingly new addition to the equation of providing better service possibilities.
Chapter 3: Is Cloud Computing Really Secured?
A growing number of users are turning to the use of cloud computing, but the question remains on its security levels. There is no doubt that cloud computing has been able to change the way most users manage their networks. Although this is attractive as its obvious contributions to the cost cutting exercise, there is still the question of security as the information is shared across multiple servers.
Have A Look
For the most part, those in the industry would agree that cloud computing is relatively secure by comparison. The security levels by comparison are not really any different from the standard computing and hosting platforms used. Commonly thought of as disastrous, outages are the concerns of most users who tend to go into a panic when the bigger players like Google suffer this.
However it should be understood that these outages are relatively common and are bound to occur periodically, thus the users should be comforted with the fact that this does not necessarily mean information is lost or hacked.
This in turn makes the users more aware of the security issues and causes them to take more care in tightening their policies and physical security measures. Most users will not consistently monitor their networks and take action as soon as any intrusion is detected. This may include step to ensure the data received is encrypted to ensure those who are not supposed to be privy to the information will not be able to read it, and most traditional hosts will offer the relevant back up after each transaction is made almost instantly.
Users may also encrypt their own information before it is submitted to further heighten the security measures already in place. Therefore it is fast becoming an undisputed fact that cloud computing is fast gaining mileage in the online arena.
Chapter 4: What Is Public Cloud All About?
As its title depicts, public cloud computing is based on the standard cloud computing model, where a service provider makes resources, such as applications and storage available to anyone and everyone over the internet. Most of these are free or offered on a pay per use format.
Public Cloud
There are several benefits to this type of service or system and that is why it is fast making inroads on the internet platform. The most innovative system to date that is able to provide essentials in an easy and inexpensive set up, is simply attributed to the hardware, application and bandwidth costs which are all covered by the provider.
The scalability issues are also adequately addressed and at mostly adequately met to the end users satisfaction. There is also very little or no wastage of resources as the user would only pay for what is being used or due to the fact that some of the elements come free of any costs.
Basically the actual term of public cloud was first used to differentiate between the standard model and the private cloud which is both commonly used. This is a proprietary network or data center that uses cloud computing technologies such as virtualization. The private could is managed but the organization it serves and a portion of the model, the hybrid cloud, is maintained by both internal and external providers.
Having a delivery system that does all computing and storage actions as a service to the end recipient is definitely an advantage to all users. These services are entrusted to the user’s data, software and computations over a secure network. The end user could ideally access the cloud based on applications through a web browser or a light weight desktop or mobile application while the business software and date are stored on the servers at even remote locations. .
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