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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
How the Urinary System Works
Disorders of the Urinary System
Symptoms of Kidney Disease
What Happens When Kidneys Fail
About Kidney Cancer
Kidney Stones
Urinary Tract Infections
Prostate Enlargement
Bladder Control
Kidney Transplantation
Finding a Kidney Donor
Preparing for Surgery
Care After Transplant
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How the Urinary System Works
The urinary system is an important bodily system that helps the body get rid of waste called urea normally found in the blood. This waste is usually produced when the body breaks down foods that are rich in protein, such as: poultry, meat and certain types of vegetables. The urinary system also coordinates with other vital organs of the body, such as the intestines, lungs and skin, to maintain a chemical balance in the body.
The Kidneys
From the bloodstream, urea is carried to the kidneys. The kidneys are the bean-shaped organs of the body just about the size of the fist. Furthermore, they are located approximately two inches above the midline area of the body, under and behind the liver located in the upper abdomen, and behind the lower ribs.
These organs are responsible for filtering about one-quarter of blood, or about 750 to 1000 pints, sent from the heart daily. The kidneys are important in making sure that the blood is free of chemical wastes before circulating the rest of the body.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 59
* Download File Size: 197 KB