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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Dog Care Basics
Chapter 2: What Items Do You Need For Your Dog
Chapter 3: The Vet Is Your Friend
Chapter 4: Caring For An Elderly Dog
Chapter 5: Caring For A Disabled Dog
Chapter 6: Caring For Small Dogs
Chapter 7: Caring For Big Dogs
Chapter 8: The Dangers Of Not Caring For Your Best Friend
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 2: What Items Do You Need For Your Dog
In order to care for a dog well, there are several elements that need to be considered and provided for at all times. This will ensure that the dog is happy and well looked after and the owner is saddled with less dog related problems.
The Essentials
The following are some of the essential items that would be ideal to have for the comforts of the dog:
• Dog food – some people make it a habit to give the dog table scraps and leftover food, this is really not good for the dog. A dog’s digestive system is different from that of a human, thus it requires a different diet plan. Ensuring the dog has proper food to eat that is specifically designed for animal consumption is better for the dog’s health and the owner’s wallet in the long run.
• Providing proper food containers, which the dog identifies as its own, is also important. This will help the animal to identify the food in it, as its own, and therefore be trained not to touch other food items, unless specifically allowed to do so.
• Grooming tools are also among the items that should be part of the caring kit for the dog. This is especially essential if the breed of the dog requires frequent grooming sessions. Having items such as brushes, nail clippers, wipes, fur clippers, shampoos and conditioners are all part of the normal regimen of grooming tools for a dog.
• Chew toys are also items to be included in the list, as these will keep the dog distracted and less likely to resort to destroying the owner’s things in the quest to satisfy its natural instinct to chew on anything and everything. It also helps to keep their teeth clean and alleviate any discomfort from teething problems.
Chapter 3: The Vet Is Your Friend
Finding a good and reputable vet whom the owner and dog can be comfortable with can sometimes be something of a challenge. However, if this scenario is found, then a good and beneficial relationship will prevail.
Don’t Avoid The Vet!
The vet understands the deep bond that is usually formed between the owners and their pets, and therefore they are very delicate when coming to matters pertaining to the sick animal. The vet will be able to help the owner understand the problem and find a solution that is most suitable and acceptable to the owner, while all the while keeping the well being and comfort of the dog in mind. Most pet owner will stick to one vet as soon as a comfortable bond is formed.
As the animal cannot talk, the vet is trained to recognize and diagnose the problem accordingly, and then decide on the next course of action suitable for the given situation. Although this solution can sometimes be rather costly, the fact that there is a relationship formed over a period of time, the owner can be assured of getting the best rates possible. The owner can also be assured of the vet’s commitment and problem solving skills over time.
Most people will ask for recommendations from friends when it comes to finding a suitable vet for their pet. Arranging to meet with the vet without the pet present will allow the owner to get the feel of the doctor and the services provided. If the owner is satisfied with the outcome of the first meeting, then perhaps the services of the particular vet can be used.
There are also several questions that the owner can pose to the vet, and these should include:
• Is the practice AAHA accredited?
• How are overnight patients monitored?
• What sort of equipment is used?
• Are there referral facilities for severe cases?
Chapter 4: Caring For An Elderly Dog
As pets get older, they often require additional care and this can be a problem if the owner is not adequately informed on how to do this and thus unprepared.
Special Care For Older Dogs
There are quite a few tell tale signs of an aging dog besides the obvious age factor. Some of these signs would include the overall slowing down in the general activity of the dog, the longer periods of rest the dog now is prone to taking, graying around the face and muzzle which is more notable in darker furred dogs, obvious hearing problems and perhaps cloudy eyes. Other signs to look out for may include arthritis pains, bad breath or bleeding gums, sudden blindness and changes of weight and appetite, changes in urine output and overall thirst and may be more symptoms.
The following are some methods that can be adopted by the owner when caring for an elderly dog:
• Making the dog as comfortable as possible is perhaps the first place to start. As the dog is less like to be active, placing its resting basket or designated resting items such as blankets and throw rugs, in a more accessible location would help the animal find comfort easily.
• Making sure the dog has access to clean water perhaps at different locations in the house, especially if there are stairs to attempt, will be convenient for the dog.
• Changing the diet plan to a low calorie and a low fat plan would be better, as at this point the dog would very unlikely be capable of coping with a vigorous exercise routine.
• General grooming for the dog should be done more frequently as it will also help the dog’s circulation and will be comforting for the animal. Generally most dogs enjoy a gentle hair brushing session and it also helps to reassure the dog, that it is still very much loved.
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