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Table of Contents
Introduction . 6
Chapter 1: The Basic Commands …… 8
Heel . 9
The word “No” .. 9
The “Sit” command ………….. 9
The “Stay” command ……… 10
The “Down” command …… 11
The “Off” command ……….. 11
Chapter 2: Training Your New Puppy ……………. 13
Teaching Your Puppy Proper Socialization Skills …. 18
Chapter 3: Leash/Collar Training …. 22
Training Your Dog with a Training Collar and Leash ……………. 23
Teaching a Puppy to Accept His Collar and Leash . 25
Training Your New Puppy to Accept the Collar and Lead …….. 27
Training Your Dog to Not Pull On the Leash ………. 29
Taking Your Dog Training off Leash ….. 31
Chapter 4: Head Collar Training …… 34
Disadvantages of Head Collars …………. 35
Chapter 5: Training Collar or Choke Collar …….. 36
The Importance of a Properly Fitted Training Collar …………… 37
Properly Sizing and Measure the Dog for a Training Collar ….. 37
Fitting the Collar Properly .. 37
Chapter 6: Reward Training ………… 39
Treats and Food Based Rewards ………. 41
The Come When Called Command …… 41
Using Positive Reinforcement ………….. 43
Chapter 7: Crate and House Training ……………. 46
Setting Up the Training Area ……………. 46
Setting Up the Toilet Area .. 47
Continuing the House Training Process …………….. 47
Speeding up the Process …. 48
The Do’s and Don’ts of House Training 48
Dealing with House Training Your Dog 50
Dealing with House Training Issues ….. 52
Crate Training for Dogs and Puppies … 54
Dealing with Accidents during Crate Training …….. 56
Chapter 8: Dog Obedience Training 57
The Importance of Rewards …………….. 59
Chapter 9: Dog Training Issues ……. 61
Refusing to Come When Called ……….. 61
Training for Proper Dog Behavior …….. 62
Eliminating Biting Behaviors ……………. 65
Preventing Biting and Mouthing ………. 65
Using Trust to Prevent Biting …………… 66
Eliminating Bad Habits ……. 67
Whining, Howling and Excessive Barking …………… 67
Problem Chewing …………… 68
Eliminating Problem Behaviors when Training Your Puppy …. 69
Dog Training for Desired Behaviors ….. 73
Chapter 10: Advanced Dog Training Exercises .. 75
Keeping Your Dog Motivated …………… 76
Distraction Training ………… 77
Chapter 11: More Dog or Puppy Training Issues and Exercises ………… 79
Dealing with Separation Anxiety ………. 79
Preventing Unwanted Urination ………. 80
How to Train Your Dog Not to Chase People, Bicycles, and Joggers? ……. 82
Training the Shy or Fearful Puppy or Dog ………….. 84
Training Your Dog Not to Fear Loud Noises ……….. 87
Using Distraction ……………. 88
Desensitizing Your Dog’s Fear ………….. 88
Training Your Dog Not to Chase Cars … 89
Teaching Your Dog Not to Chew ………. 91
Training Your Puppy Not to Bite ………. 93
Building Confidence and Respect …….. 94
Conclusion .. 97
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Getting a new puppy or adult dog is always an exciting time for the entire family. There is a good reason why dogs are known as man’s best friend, and a loyal dog is more than just a pet as they becoming a beloved member of the family.
In order to achieve that level of love and companionship, however, it is important to start you need puppy or adult dog off on the right foot. A solid grounding in obedience and problem behavior avoidance is essential to making your dog, and you, happier and healthier.
“How does your dog sit when you tell him to and mine doesn’t?”, “How can your dog heel to you like that?”, “Wow! He comes when you tell him to” – Sounds familiar? If it does, you need to invest some time into a little bit of basic dog training. Starting to train your dog from a young age is crucial as the first few months of his life is when you will have the greatest influence on him; this is where he is shaped into the dog he is going to be when he is all grown up.
The most basic of dog training is to get your dog to sit and come. Teaching him those commands are essential for him to learn. These commands are used for various different reasons, if you are in competition, if your dog jumps making him sit will immediately get him off and “come” is the all-important one. If you take your dog for a walk, you let him of the leash and you expect him to come back to you, not run around the park with you chasing after him shouting at him to “get here right this instance”. That would be just downright embarrassing!
Other Details- 10 Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 99 Pages
- 23 Graphics (JPG, GIF)
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- 1 Promotional Ad Material (Banners)
- 2 Keywords List (EXCEL)
- Ecourse, WP Themes
- Year Released/Circulated: 2012
- File Size: 11,658 KB
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