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Most people still don’t like digital products because they aren’t getting anything tangible in return and they don’t want to read a book on a screen. Unless the information is so valuable to them that they’re willing to spend lots of money for this privilege, you’re going to struggle selling it. And some people will struggle even to grasp the concept of a digital product.
When you sell a physical product though, you’re making yourself a much larger potential audience and thereby opening up the potential for a much larger profit. At the same time, physical products will usually solve very specific problems for very specific people and be easy to describe and explain. This all makes them far easier to market to a wider audience.
And when you sell a physical product through a dropshipping business, you’ll be acting as a reseller. Despite the fact that you never actually receive the product, you will still be reselling in theory and thus normal pricing conventions apply.
The normal pricing convention in this particular scenario is ‘keystone pricing’. In simple English, that means you make a 100% profit – selling products for twice the value you pay for them and essentially getting 50% commission.
What’s even more important though, is the way that dropshipping keeps your customers engaged with your brand.
When you sell an affiliate product to a customer, you are recommending them a product that you didn’t create and that you have no hand in creating. You’re admitting that it’s not ‘your’ product and that someone else created it and you’re sending the customer away from your website in order to buy it.
Now ask yourself with brand they’re more likely to remember: yours? Or the brand printed on the product they bought and the website they bought it from?
Furthermore, it now becomes highly unlikely that they’ll ever buy multiple products from your website. They’ve been sent away from your brand and so if they’re going to do some shopping, they’ll be doing it on the site where they bought the affiliate product!
With dropshipping though, the manufacturer is a silent partner. This is just the same as buying from Amazon – the company has no involvement as far as the buyer is concerned and so they can focus on buying from you and from dealing with you. The result is that your business looks much more professional and the customer stays engaged with your brand much better – potentially even placing multiple orders for multiple products!
Branding Your Products
Better yet, some forms of dropshipping actually allow you to add your branding to the product, thereby communicating loud and clear that it was you that created the product and greatly strengthening your brand awareness, visibility and professionalism. You can now sell your very own branded clothing line, or your very own supplement line – truly cementing yourself as a professional in the industry and an expert.
This is called ‘white label dropshipping’. The term white label simply means that the company you’re using to drop ship through will be a completely silent partner – not adding their branding or logo anywhere to the products themselves or to your packaging. The ‘white label’ is the simple white packaging/sticker that will be placed on your items and that the company will then print your logo onto that white label, in order to allow you to design your own branded item.
And in some cases, you can even design some aspects of the product.
For example, a white label supplement company will let you sell supplements that come in pots bearing your logo and your company name. But what’s more, is you can often even decide what goes into them. For example, if you were to design your own multivitamin or multimineral, you could choose precisely the vitamins and minerals you wanted to put into it and then give it a name of your choose like ‘Multi Core’. Add your logo and some fancy packaging, pick a price point and sell it.
But despite having complete control over the dropshipping in this manner, you don’t need to create any design specifications or blueprints, you don’t need to work with a manufacturer and you don’t need to put in a ‘MOQ’ (minimum order of quantity) and potential get stuck with thousands of dollars of supplements that no one will buy. It really is the perfect business model, offering truly passive income, zero risk or up-front cost and complete control.
How to Find a Dropshipping Company
Now comes the tricky part – finding a dropshipping company.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 10 Pages
-- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 1 Graphic (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 8,793 KB
License Details:
You’re granted master resell rights, resell rights or to resell with personal use rights.
You may add this product to your PAID membership site
You may giveaway the product as a bonus when people
buy through your affiliate link
You may edit the included opt-in / squeeze / landing page
You may giveaway the eBook for Lead Generation purpose
No, you may NOT edit the contents of the eBook
No, this product does NOT include private label rights. You are granted Master Resell Rights only