Empowered Spirituality Bible Plr Ebook

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1: Basics on Spirituality

Chapter 2: Why People Have No Faith Today

Chapter 3: What is True Spirituality

Chapter 4: What Is The Empowered Spirituality Mindset

Chapter 5: Traditional Spirituality Ideas vs. New Age Ideas

Chapter 6: What Does Empowerment For Spirituality Mean To You (how to set goals)

Chapter 7: Why Adopt The Empowerment Mindset For Spirituality

Chapter 8: Tips For Becoming Empowered For Spirituality

Chapter 9: The Good And Bad About The Empowerment Mindset For Spirituality

Chapter 10: Conclusion

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Chapter 2: Why People Have No Faith Today


Faith is actually one of the strangest and strongest emotions of people. Faith is really important for us to grow our spirituality. Faith is mostly defined as the belief at something that doesn’t rest on material evidence or on logical proof. Thereby, the source of faith lies not within the human mind that always require evidence and logical explanations, but it lies on the “sixth sense” or “intuition” as well as “gut feeling” that always seem to have no any reason at all.

Losing Faith

Faith is synonymous to trust, however the degree of the latter is even much higher as compared to faith. Trust is mostly recognized with every person whereas faith contains much wider range or spectrum and this may include inanimate creation of human such as religions, principles, etc.

Therefore, thinking through its definition, faith appear as an opposite to science since the very foundation of science is always laid on material or tangible evidence and logic.

Faith is also an emotional state of an individual that uses intuition in order to believe on others or something that you cannot see instead of seeking for proof or evidence. Faith is about believing into something that you cannot actually see. It is believing that something is present even with no tangible evidence is present.

Because of the real nature of faith, many people refuse to believe at some things that they can’t see or feel. One of the main reasons why many people are being so unfaithful these days is due to fact that they are searching for material evidence or tangible proofs. They refuse to believe because they cannot see it and there will be no one who can manifest the truthfulness of everything.

In today’s life, everything seems to be defined by science; that everything in this world has a scientific reason; that the world was not created by someone. When people got sick and die, it is not because it is their time to die but because their body becomes so weak or the doctors weren’t good enough to heal that person. People have no faith today also because of science and they don’t accept that there is someone superior above who has the power over everything in this world.

However, there are also some people who once believed and have been faithful, but due to their personal experiences, their faith wavered until they don’t believe anymore. Oftentimes, people wonder why God doesn’t bless them even when they have really been faithful to Him.

They are starting to cry out load to God for the things they want to nothing really happen. Because of these circumstances, people start to refuse to believe. They start to think that there is no loving God who can give them the things that they want. However, you have to keep in mind that there is also a test of faith.

Faith is also about believing even though things seem to fall apart. If some things are falling apart, continue to be faithful and you will be happy and blessed.

Chapter 3: What is True Spirituality?


Spirituality is an act of developing and communication with your most essential and greatest identity – you Soul.

True spirituality is a journey if self improvement and self discovery. Many people who are spiritual are starting look within themselves to find our all intricate details of their own identities. Most of us are just living, living without any purpose.

Just wake up in the morning, do their tasks and that would be their daily routines. Spiritual people are also armed with the ever growing and increasing knowledge of who they actually are. Those individuals who are spiritually enthusiastic attempt to improve and develop on that identity since they want to make their soul even stronger.

True Spirituality

True spirituality lies in every individual because each individual has a soul. How much you are trying to connect with your soul is always up to you and how much you decide to develop your soul is likewise up to you. Bear in mind that these are spiritual acts and your own path in life is always your personal spiritual journey.

There are some people who believe that spirituality is religion, but you have to bear in mind that spirituality is actually the opposite of a religion. Religion is just the same concept for every individual who is involved in it.

A person’s spirituality is always unique, and having said that, spirituality is always different for each person all over the world since our souls are at different stages and levels of development. Every individual has a deep-level weaknesses and strengths and this is the main reason why spirituality is actually not a religion.

It might be safe to say that every individual has been in a situation where they are thinking of their real purpose in this life and they also thought that they are no longer doing what they should be in their lives. It could just require some changes that they need in order to complete their life-altering changes.

It is actually our nature to doze off in the wrong path every now and then, just so we can be fully aware of our main purpose, direction and path really is. By creating some spiritual connections to be able to get heading and redefine your path in the most perfect direction will give you an assurance that you are starting to act from your real self and not all about out of desperation to make a change.

True spirituality is sometimes one of the main aspects that can help every individual to know and deeply understand their main purpose in life.

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- 1 Article (DOC)
- 1 Ebook (DOCX, PDF), 34 Pages
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- File Size: 10,460 KB
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