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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Determining Current Costs
Chapter 2: Cost Over Savings Analysis
Chapter 3: Getting Started Finding Your Biggest Needs
Chapter 4: Start Small For Big Savings
Chapter 5: Your Window Savings
Chapter 6: The Fireplace Advantage
Chapter 7: Energy Saving Habits To Develop
Chapter 8: The Thermostat
Chapter 9: Energy Star: Understanding What It Is
Chapter 10: Outside The Home
Chapter 11: Alternative Sources Of Fuel
Chapter 12: The Energy Efficient New Home
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Chapter 2: Cost over Savings Analysis
Before we get into saving you money with methods to lower the number of units that you spend on your fuel each month, we do need to show you the benefits of energy savings by smart investment.
Because the world is in a fuel crisis and the cost of gas and other energy means continues to rise, there are those not so nice guys out there that are promoting products that are anything but a way to save money. These products may work, but probably do not.
The trick is that you need to know before you purchase them if in fact they are something that is cost effective or if they are something that will be a waste of your hard earned money.
We can help you with a few good tips about purchasing any item that may be presented to you as a way to save energy on your home’s fuel usage. Take some time to really think about what you are investing in before you do so. This alone can save you money.
Tips for Analyzing Benefit
Take these tips to heart:
– What is the product promising to do for you? Any product that is promising amazing results is probably not providing them. If there was a miracle product out there, wouldn’t we all have it by now?
– What is the cost of this product in the first place? How much will it cost you to purchase, install and then use this product?
– Does this cost actually figure any savings to you within the first days of use? In other words, it should be able to immediately help you to save money on your energy needs.
– Finally, how long will it take you to make up the difference in the cost of the product over the amount of money you have invested in it? If you can not get your costs back quick enough, it too may not be the right choice for your needs.
When you take these things into consideration, you will find yourself better able to understand the true benefit of any supposed energy savings gadget that is out there. Now, there are sure to be those things that do actually work too. But, you need to find them first.
Know Before You Buy
There are several things that you should know about before you invest in these energy savings products as well. Now, mind you, if you are talking about a ten dollar investment, it does not take all of this research. But, if you are talking about replacing or amending any of your major energy producing systems in your home, such as your furnace, then it pays to pay attention to the details.
One thing to find out is who the company that is offering this product actually is. For example, who is marketing this product to you? If you can take a few minutes to find this out, you can log into the Better Business Bureau’s website and find out if in fact they have had any claims put in against the company or person that may in fact have to do with this product.
You can also search for reviews of the product by using your favorite search engine and the name of the product followed by the word review. When you do this, you may find several different websites all providing a different look at what this product can or possibly will not do for you.
Take the time to determine if there are good or just bad points to this product.
Also beneficial is to take some time to learn about the way that the product’s manufacturer backs up their claim. If you find that the product does not work as effectively as it has promised, can you send it back to them? If so, before you even purchase it, you should know where you can return it to get your funds back.
Doing these things is almost a must when you are purchasing from a company that you have not heard about in the past. What’s more is that protecting yourself is something you have to do.
- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 43 Pages
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- 2 Ecovers (PSD, PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 15,618 KB
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