Feast And Fast Plr Ebook

Product Price: $17.95
SKU: 20910

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Table of Contents

Why We Are Fat
What is Overweight?
Health Risks
What is Feast or Fast?
Benefits of the Lifestyle Plan
Common Beginner Mistakes
Water, Sleep & Choices
How to Start the Nutritional Plan
Long-Term or Short-Term
Let’s Stay Motivated

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Why We Are Fat

We get fat for a number of different reasons. How much is too much weight we’ll talk about in the next section. For now, let’s concentrate on the reasons we eat or overeat so you can address those as you learn the feast and fast method to health and wellness.

1. Stress

Stress releases cortisol from the adrenal glands. Cortisol will increase the amount of fat that our body produces in order to prepare for times when we may not have food. Cortisol is part of the “fight or flight” hormonal system which is a good thing. But a chronic release of cortisol will only increase your fat, your weight and your stress.

Many of us will also eat when we are stressed. We call ourselves “stress eaters” and justify grabbing the donut, chocolate or bread by saying we are stressed and need the food to cope.

2. Comfort

Many of us eat to comfort ourselves through life. We love the gravy, butter, bread, large portions, fried foods and heavy desserts. We turn up our noses at vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

And there is a reason for that! The first set of foods is high in carbohydrates and will immediately spike your blood glucose. This gives you that sugar high that we try to keep our younger children from experiencing because it changes their behavior. But as adults we crave that high and will continue to eat those high carb foods throughout the day.

And, even if we stay within calorie limits, the high sugar will spike insulin and over time increase our resistance to insulin. This only leads to weight gain and subsequently, diabetes.

3. Convenience

Grabbing a bag of chips, raiding the fridge when we are hungry, eating from dinner while cooking, is all convenient and easy. But those little bits of calories eaten day after day will only pack on the pounds.

Convenience foods and restaurants are all around us. Running through the drive through window adds hundreds of calories to your daily diet. Eating at restaurants will pack on pounds because they don’t usually fill your plate with vegetables, will deep fat fry the foods and will pile the plate high with what would normally be 2 or 3 serving sizes.

It is convenient to grab something from the vending machine, grab a donut from the break room or eat a quick dessert at the office party. It is convenient to open a box of Mac and Cheese or Hamburger Helper, but not convenient to broil some chicken or fish and pair it with vegetables and a small spoon of brown rice.

What also isn’t convenient is the numbers on the scale when you ever decide to check out the damage that eating a convenient lifestyle can bring.

4. Unthinking

And, sometimes, we just don’t think about what we’re eating. At parties, out to eat with friends, sitting down to a meal by ourselves . . . we might not take the time to decide if we really are full. Instead, we talk our way through a meal that was too large to begin with or eat in front the of television without ever checking in with our stomach to see if it was fed enough.

What is Overweight

The definition of what and isn’t overweight has some degree of variability to it. For instance, we used to call some people big boned to account for their apparent extra weight which was carried all over their body and not in one specific area.

In other instances we may use BMI or body mass index to quantify where in a range of apparent normal weights an individual falls based on their height, weight and gender. Dietitians, armed with the right equipment, can do body fat indexes to determine if the extra weight on the scale is a function of muscle or fat. Your body mass carried in an athletic form may appear to be less a function of fat and more lean mass, but appearances can be deceiving.

So, how much weight is too much weight?

In the grand scheme of things your normal weight is one that falls within a body mass index of normal and one that you can feel comfortable within your own skin.

Body mass index is an algorithm that compares your height and weight against a chart. The numbers were determined using a large cohort of people, body measurements, gender and physician determination of weight as it relates to health risk.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (DOCX, PDF, TXT), 30 Pages
- 1 Salespage, Squeeze Page (TXT)
- Affiliate Programs List (DOC)
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- File Size: 936 KB
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