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Table of Contents
Chapter 1………7
“FOCUS” Defined……………………….7
Why do people suffer from a lack of focus?…9
How can you counter a lack of focus?………..11
Types of focus……………..14
Chapter 2…….17
Escaping the Busy Trap……………..17
Unraveling burnout…….19
Focus to undo the effects of the burnout…..20
The impact of being overwhelmed……………22
Chapter 3…….27
Reclaiming Your Time………………27
Poor diet and nutrition.28
Hormones at play………..31
Lack of sleep………………32
Lack of physical activity34
Surrounding environment………………………34
Quality of information…35
Chapter 4…….37
Benefits of Being Focused………….37
Helps take control………37
Yields positive energy…38
Enhances problem solving skills………………39
Instills decision making skills………………….40
Removes distractions…..41
Gets things done…………42
Generates satisfaction…42
Builds momentum………43
Reduces stress……………44
Increases engagement…44
Chapter 5…….47
How Highly Successful People Develop Self-Discipline…………………… 47
Say no to distractions….49
Handle one task at a time……………………….50
Divide up goals…………..50
Rewards and breaks…….51
Learn from mistakes…..53
Rise above feelings……..53
Love what you do………..54
Manipulate energy………55
Chapter 6…….57
Strategies To Building Unbreakable Focus……………….57
Train your brain………….57
Plan it all out……………..58
Rest for a while…………..59
Work with music………..60
Practice mindfulness…..61
Limit phone usage………62
Give constant reminders…………………………63
Plan your day……………..63
Chapter 7…….67
Why Should You Focus On One Thing At A Time……….67
It gets things done………67
It leaves less room for error…………………….68
Higher success rate…….70
It does not deplete energy……………………….70
It keeps distractions away……………………….72
It lets you enjoy work….72
Chapter 8…….75
Online Tools for Laser Focus……..75
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Which brings us to another aspect of focus; procrastination.
Procrastination is perhaps the biggest hurdle in the way of attaining good focus. When you use procrastination to get out of things what you are really saying is that you don’t want to do a particular task, or that you are secretly hoping that it will just go away on its own, or that you will eventually feel motivated to do it.
With so much going on, it is no wonder that focus gets sidelined and never surfaces to the forefront.
And while a lot more can be said on procrastination, we will cross that bridge when we come to it (in a later chapter). For now, it is sufficient to say that procrastination, in fact, is the granddaddy of all excuses and will never let you focus properly on any given task.
How can you counter a lack of focus?
Moving on, while you may be well aware of what is stopping you from focusing (think procrastination), you may not know how to tackle this problem. So here’s some help:
Address WHAT needs to be done
To make focus work for you, you need to have a clear cut goal; call it a grounded purpose towards which all your efforts are directed. When you have this reference point in sight, you can apply all your skillset and decision making to get the job done right. But with this crucial factor missing, you may as well go on a roller coaster ride.
It is these clear cut goals that define what needs to get done.
Clear cut goals also stop you from derailing and prevent you from going places where you never intended to go. Pick out a typical day in your life and think of all the fifty or so things you need to do. With your mind divided and scattered trying to deal with all fifty at the same time, you are likely not going to get much done. On the flip side, you may actually neglect to do some of the more important ones as you keep thinking about everything else instead.
This is a point where focus can come save your day. Using focus, work by the process of elimination and prioritize your goals.
When you learn to prioritize your goals, you end up spending your time in a more meaningful way; the important stuff gets done first and the not-so-important later on.
Filtering out such time-eaters also help you regain control over chaos and you no longer feel that you are wasting time.
Address WHY something needs to be done
When clear cut goals are paired with a sense of purpose the dilemma starts to resolve itself fairly easily. This sense of purpose also verifies why something needs to be done.
People are naturally more motivated when they have a reason to do something. With that reason in mind, you will feel more inclined to perform better so you can get the results you seek. A sense of purpose will also fine tune your focus as you want to get the best results out of your efforts.
Also address WHEN something needs to be done
This one ties in with prioritizing your goals so that important things get done first. Knowing when to do what can make everyday living so much easier to cope with.
Plus, giving yourself a timeframe to work within helps you stay on task i.e. stay focused so you can then have more time to do the other things you need to do.
Successful time management lets you take control of your life rather than follow others. Plus, you end up accomplishing more, performing better and becoming more successful at what you do.
Added perks include a sense of satisfaction and peace of mind.
But whether it is prioritizing goals, finding a sense of purpose or practicing time management skills, none of it can be achieved without good focus.
Types of focus
Having established that the ability to focus is a critical element for success in aspect of life, let us now take a look at the different types of focus you need to develop to achieve that success.
Inner focus
This is the most common of all types. Inner focus is an individual’s ability to block our distractions, focus on the present moment and task and stay calm under the pressure. This type of focus develops a person’s intuition, gut feeling and good decision making.
The benefit of establishing inner focus allows to stay focused in your goals and manage your own schedule.
Focusing on others
Not everyone masters this type of focus as it goes beyond what you are doing and demands that you attend to what others are doing and saying instead. This type of focus is especially important in workplace situations or teamwork scenarios where your output is affected by others’ input. However, this type of focus is not only restricted to professional settings, but is equally applicable to personal and social contexts as well.
Outer focus
Outer focus goes beyond paying attention to other people and demands paying attention to your surroundings instead. Outer focus is based on peripheral learning and allows a person to think strategically. It also allows for making adjustments to outer surroundings as circumstances around you change.
Chapter 2
Escaping the Busy Trap
Being overwhelmed results in burnout. This produces a condition where the individual feels mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. The feeling occurs when you feel overwhelmed and aren’t able to keep up with demands. As a result chaos also factors into the equation and the missing element once again is focus.
The feeling of being persistently overwhelmed can easily cause you to lose interest as well as motivation and bring on a state that leaves you feeling powerless, helpless and extremely worn out.
Once again, you may be trying to do too much- much more than it is realistic to handle.
When talking about burnout, remember that it is not mere exhaustion that you experience. It does not merely affect your performance but every aspect of life. For instance, work may become unbearable, but you will also lose interest in almost everything else that you do. Fun stops being fun while every insignificant thing starts to bother you.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 82 Pages
- 7 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 5 Promotional Ad Materials (Emails)
- Checklist, Mind Map, Landing Page, Lead Magnet, VSL
- Year Released/Circulated: 2023
- File Size: 38,956 KB
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