Freedom To Profit PLR Ebook

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Table of Contents

Freedom To Profit 3
Creating A Workable System . 5
The Law of Contraction …. 6
Be Aware Of Time-Wasters …. 7
Boost Productivity ….. 9
Utilize Automation Tools ….. 11
Eliminate Profit Loss 14
Minimize Long-Term Goals .. 15
Recommended Resources .. 16

Sample Content Preview

It goes without saying that there are only so many workable hours in any given day, and one of the key components to maximizing your online income is in maximizing your time. Failure to do so will ultimately result in a constant struggle for success, where you are overloaded with daily tasks that do nothing to help improve your bottom line.

… Are you experiencing business overload? Having too many ‘off days’? You’ve probably had days where you sat at your computer for hours only to shut it down at the end of the day, feeling as though you’ve accomplished nothing. While we all have our ‘off days’, it’s important that we learn how to effectively manage our time so that we’re not only working smarter – we’re actually able to work less while still getting more done!

Imagine being able to log off after only a few hours of work, knowing that you’ve actually gotten more done than those days where you were chained to your desk for hours – your creativity gone along with your energy and motivation.

And there’s more to the ongoing success of your business than just time management alone. You also need to learn how to delegate tasks, outsource projects, automate tasks, and streamline your business so that you’re able to compete in your market.

If you take a closer look at successful people in your market, you’ll find that they seem to have an abundance of time, are happier, motivated and focused. So, how can they run such wildly successful businesses without being burdened, and weighed down by the day-to-day business grind?

They’ve learned how to harness the power of time management, and in “assigning value” to their business projects. They’ve discovered the incredible value in focusing only on the most important aspects of business, while letting go of the things that don’t matter.

Freedom to Profit is a special report written specifically for those who are desperate to learn how to maximize productivity, while minimizing their workload. We’ll explore some of the easiest ways of optimizing each and every workday, while helping you finally gain the freedom you need – to succeed!

Creating A Workable System

We all need a well-managed routine, or system that helps to keep us on track. Without one, we find ourselves wasting valuable time just trying to get organized from day to day. By creating a project schedule however, we know exactly what we need to get done each day.

Have you ever felt as though you just didn’t know where to begin? That could be because your workload is very overwhelming and you have so many things to get done that you end up not getting anything done at all! So, not only do you need a project schedule, you need a workable system that breaks down your workload into simple tasks – setting a specific time frame on every project.

Keep it simple and realistic. The objective is to create a workable system, so you don’t want to become overzealous in what you believe you accomplish every day.

A strict, overloaded work system will only bog you down and you’ll likely find it impossible to stick to, so set realistic goals based on the time you allocate to each project, the time you have available each day, and the tasks that only you can do.

The Law of Contraction

Have you ever heard of the Law of Contraction?

It simply means that work tends to expand or contract depending on the time it is allotted.

For example, if you assign four weeks to complete a project, chances are, you’ll take every little bit of those four weeks to get it done. But if you allocated only two weeks to the same project, chances are you’d still be able to complete it during that time frame.

For many, failure to assign deadlines to projects means that the project never ends up getting done. It’s also common to finish things up at the last minute, especially if deadlines are set far in the future.

Instead, create a reasonable deadline for every project that is not too far off in the distant future. Depending on the scope of your project, you’ll need to allocate time based on overall tasks, but never give yourself more time that you really need otherwise you’ll find it hard to stay focused.

It’s important to prioritize tasks and projects, while assigning a deadline to each one. By doing this, you are holding yourself responsible for staying on track and becoming your own boss.

When we work for ourselves, it’s easy to get caught up in pushing deadlines and extending projects, but when we do this, we not only get less done, but many of our projects end up never being completed.

So, assign priority to each project, and a deadline and do your best to see it through. You’ll be amazed at how much more you get done, and with more completed projects, the more money you’re likely to make!

Be Aware Of Time-Wasters

Many of us are prey to time-wasters that we may not even pay attention to. Do you find yourself spending an hour here and there on forums or social media sites? Do you get caught up in checking email multiple times throughout the day? Are you easily distracted by news sites, social media or blogs?

In order to effectively utilize our time, we often need to force ourselves to disconnect from online distractions, even ones that we may think of as part of the job. One great example of this is how often you check your email accounts. Do you really need to log in multiple times throughout the day?

While staying on top of emails is often an important part of your job, you should consider checking your accounts only after you have completed your daily tasks, or perhaps halfway through the day, once you’ve managed to get something else done.

The trouble is, many of us aren’t even aware of our time-wasting weaknesses but if you add up all of the time you spend outside of your task list in any given day, chances are, you’ll be quite surprised by how much time you are devoting to nonproductive tasks. While we all need breaks throughout the day, it’s important they are assigned breaks, and that we pay attention to how we spend our time.

Make a conscious effort to track your daily activities over a period of 1-2 days and you’ll quickly discover pockets of valuable time that you’re not currently utilizing effectively. Then, work towards cutting down the time spent on areas that are not directly contributing to the success of your business and before too long, you’ll be working less, while still getting more done!

Faster – Smarter – Better available at is all about working smarter, not harder.

This course was written by two of the leading marketer’s today, who together, have sold over $10 million dollars in digital products. While there is certainly no magic bullet to becoming an overnight success, there are ways to building unbelievable wealth just by focusing on building a solid (virtually infallible) evergreen business, and they’ll show you exactly how to get started.

Faster, Smarter, Better! Check it out at and download the complete video course that will take you on a step-by-step journey to making more money than ever before, while working less!

Boost Productivity

We just discussed the importance of managing your time effectively, but there’s another way to quickly boost productivity so that you’re able to maximize your online income.


Part of every successful business strategy involves delegating responsibility and tasks to other people. You can only get so much done on your own, before it becomes overwhelming or you end up sacrificing projects because you’re simply short on time.

And there’s another reason to outsource some of your projects and still make more money than ever before! By outsourcing, you can tap into the knowledge of experts without having to know a specific market yourself! That means that you’ll never be limited by your own experience or skills again, because if you want to create a product around a profitable market that you’re unfamiliar with, you can simply hire it out to an industry expert and then sell it as your own!

Depending on your budget, you could easily benefit just by outsourcing a small portion of your projects, and then expand the amount of outsourcing as you generate profit from the products you are selling. Start small, and work towards building solid relationships with quality freelancers who are reliable, trustworthy and who will get the job done on time.

Since time management is such an essential component of building a successful business, it’s far easier to manage a couple of freelancers than to hire too many at once, so keep it simple – and start by outsourcing one or two projects that would otherwise take you a lot of time to do yourself. That way, you can focus on the tasks that you excel at. Not only will your products be of higher quality, but you’ll be able to double your income by pushing out a greater number of offers.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 16 Pages
- 7 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML, PSD)
- File Size: 8,350 KB
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