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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Gifting Basics
Chapter 2:
Consider The Persons Interests And Age
Chapter 3:
Know What Might Be Lacking In The Person’s Life
Chapter 4:
Pay Attention To What The Person Dreams About
Chapter 5:
Consider Durability And Practicality
Chapter 6:
The Dangers Of The Wrong Gift
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 1:
Gifting Basics
Gifting always make people feel special and unique in their own way. Gift receivers can be anyone; he/she can be a neighbor, lover, spouse, family member, relative, friend, teacher, etc.
The Basics
Gifting is important because:
1. It tells others how much you love them. How much you love someone special to you or how much you care for them can be hard to describe only in words or just saying it. Gifting brings special memories, with people being able to tell stories about what happens between the gift giver and the receiver.
2. It brings excitement and joy. During special occasions like birthdays, it brings excitement and an eager spirit to unwrap the gifts. No matter what the content of the gifts is, people will feel happy and content to have received a gift from another.
3. When you give, you will also receive. When you give others gifts, you will also receive gifts from others. There will be a mutual gifting going on and both parties will benefit from it, in the way that both sides will feel contented, and cherish each other more.
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