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Hello “autoresponder code here”,
In the last issue we talked about the law attraction versus
subliminal programs. In this issue we are going to talk about the
law of attraction and its effect on your body.
The law of attraction has worked for many people who sought to
gain financial freedom. It has helped many to experience fuller
lives through better relationships. The law of attraction can also
have a profound affect on your body.
Think first of how the law of attraction works. You are made up of
energy and the energy you send out is positive or negative. This
will depend upon whether you focus on the good things in life or
the bad. This will not only affect others, but it will affect you as well.
If you want to send out positive energy, you will want to concentrate
on the upbeat things in your life. One way to use the law of
attraction to do this is visualization.
Athletes use a form of seeing what future actions will hold. This
technique is called Visual Motor Rehearsal. These athletes are
practicing the law of attraction. They can be hooked up to all
kinds of monitors and then practice an athletic event in their
minds. The monitors will show that their muscles obey their
thoughts even though they are not being actively used. Then, when
it comes time to actually do the activity, they are very much
prepared. This is the law of attraction.
With the law of attraction, you can feel the reality of your plans
and dreams coming true. This can be done in the same way as
the athletes do it, by visualization. This can help you with any
physical task you are about to undertake. You might be planning to
climb Mt. Everest or simply swim your first lap around the pool. If
you can use the law of attraction to visualize it and believe the
results, you can make it happen. Your positive feelings about
accomplishing a difficult undertaking will come back to you in the
form of positive energy for you.
The law of attraction has also been used for healing. No one
suggests that medicine should not be used. However, thoughts
among those who lecture and write about the law of attraction are
that the medicine can be helped immensely by the use of positive
energy. The placebo effect should prove that thinking can influence
your health. If people feel good about a medicine they are being
given, they will more likely be healed by it. This is true whether the
medicine is a highly developed scientific formula or a sugar pill.
Some conditions require a great deal of treatment and
medication. People with these conditions often get depressed or
discouraged. If they can keep their focus on positive things, they
have a better chance of making a full recovery. Knowing the law of
attraction can help them to do this.
Part of using the law of attraction to heal is to visualize the process
of getting better. As you come to believe you are getting better, it
turns out that you actually do. Another way to use the law of
attraction is to dwell on the good by surrounding yourself with
things you enjoy. This will keep the focus on the positive energy.
So you see, the law of attraction is not only good for your wallet. It
can help other aspects of your life, too. If you have a physical
challenge or illness to overcome, the law of attraction can help
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking
more about how to practice law of attraction.
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Sample Extra Titles
The Hidden Truth on Law of Attraction Exposed
Law of Attraction – An Overview
An Unbiased View of Law of Attraction
The Truth About Law of Attraction
7 Shocking Facts About Law of Attraction
The Insider Secrets of Law of Attraction Discovered
The Unexplained Mystery Into Law of Attraction Uncovered
The Insider Secrets For Law of Attraction Exposed
What You Need To Know About Law of Attraction And Why
The Birth of Law of Attraction
What The Experts Aren’t Saying About Law of Attraction
5 Tips on Law of Attraction You Can Use Today
Why Everyone Is Dead Wrong About Law of Attraction
The Ultimate Strategy For Law of Attraction
3 Tips For Law of Attraction You Can Use Today
And More…
Sample Extra Paragraphs
If you are feeling down, the Law of Attraction will supply you with a
companion in despair. As the two of you spiral down, you will be
better off if you decide to let the Law of Attraction work for you
instead of against you. Find ways that your frequencies can
vibrate in harmony in a positive way. This will strengthen and
lengthen friendships like nothing else.
Once something becomes important to you, you will develop an
excitement about it. That excitement will turn into a power that is
greater than any you can drum up by simply repeating words about
what you want. The Law of Attraction works in relationships as
well as it does in anything else.
The ability of polar opposites to attract is just as present in the
human world as it is in nature; these opposites often complete
each other, bringing balance and harmony to a relationship.
Anyone who is attempting to form a relationship with their polar
opposite is going to have to work very hard not to pressure their
other half for change after the relationship has begun; it was their
very difference that attracted you to them in the first place. If you do
not feel that you can live with these differences it is better to
accept that the relationship is lost than to attempt to place
excessive pressure on both of you before the relationship
disintegrates of its own accord.
These positive feelings will translate into a positive energy,
according to the Laws of Attraction. When you send out this kind
of positive energy, you will see good things come back to you in
return through the Laws of Attraction. You can concentrate on the
positive things by holding some kind of talisman in your pocket, for
example. This will help you remember to be thankful every time
you touch it.
In the case of males this individual is going to be the alpha male
(the alpha female effect does not seem to carry over into the
human world as much as that of the alpha male). The alpha male
is the “leader of the pack”. He will have proven himself in battle
many times over. In the human world, this is going to be the
individual who is at the forefront of his particular area of expertise
and will generally have a great deal of wealth and reputation to
provide support to their position. There are many types of alpha
males in the human world; this is not a position solely restricted to
the heads of major corporations (as many leaders in the business
industry would have you believe).
It involves living in the state you choose for yourself. You don’t
need to start out with millions of dollars in the bank to feel wealthy.
You can think, speak, and act like a millionaire. You just need to
believe that’s what you are deep inside. The Law of Attraction will
do the rest.
And More…
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