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PLR Ebook With Audio Table Of Contents
The Fundamentals of a Healthy Marriage 4
Common Challenges for Married Couples 6
Why You Both Must Commit to Commitment 8
Learn to Respect Each Other 10
Review Your History, What Works in Your Marriage? 12
Review Your History, What Needs to Change? 14
How to get to Know Your Partner Again 16
Identify Your Common Goals 18
Find Common Interests to Cultivate 20
Learn How to Nip Problems in the Bud 22
Learn How to Compliment Each Other 24
Tips for Dealing with Child Raising Issues 26
Tips for Dealing with Money Issues 28
Tips for Dealing with Religious or Cultural Issues 30
Tips for Keeping the Love in Your Marriage 32
PLR Ebook With Audio Sample Content Preview
The Fundamentals of a Healthy Marriage Healthy marriages don’t happen by chance. Just because you fall in love with someone and they make you blissfully happy, doesn’t mean it will always be that way. A marriage doesn’t just go along with no care or upkeep required. It is like your car and requires regular gas, servicing and attention. Fundamentals of a healthy marriage fall into the following categories:
1. Love What generally attracted you to each other? Your partner must be able to fulfill your emotional and intimate needs. As the years pass, your feelings towards each other may change but on some level your emotional and intimate needs must still be met for you to have a healthy marriage. For couples who are facing divorce the reason often given for them wanting to be apart is that they don’t love each other any more. Love is a fundamental part of any healthy marriage.
2.Communication Being able to communicate with your spouse is paramount to a successful relationship. If you cant express what your wants and needs are, in a positive way, then how is your partner going to know what they are? Open, honest communication is required in a healthy marriage.
3. Mutual respect You must value your partner. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with them on everything but your must value their philosophies and what they bring to the marriage. Respect must be mutual; otherwise the marriage is not one of equality.
4. Shared likes Having similar interests and life philosophies will add to a healthy marriage. This isn’t a necessity but it helps if you like the same things or if not, you can discuss your differences in a positive open manner. Know your spouse and share their experiences with them.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF, Mp3
* Number of Pages: 33
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* PLR Articles: Doc, Mp3
* Number Of PLR Articles: 25
* Download File Size: 133,711 KB