Giveaway Event Method Personal Use Ebook

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SKU: 20817

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Gathering Emails

The next thing you will have to do is find a way to gather emails. You can do this with a script hosted on your site, a free autoresponder service, or a paid autoresponder service. Getting a paid autoresponder service like Aweber is always preferred but if you are on a tight budget you can use a free autoresponder site.

To find a free autoresponder service to use for your JV Giveaway simply do a search on Google. You should come up with several pages of results. The best ones to look for are those who do not use advertisements in your emails.

Web Hosting

After that, you will need to have is some form of web site hosting. If you already have a host then you are doing good. If you would like to get a good host for your business I would recommend Dream Host. If you cannot afford to pay for web site hosting then simply find a free one. Like the free autoresponder try to find one that does not display ads on your site.

Making Your Sales Page For The OTO

Now it is time to make your simple sales page. This is the page going to be used for your OTO. New members of your list will see this page before they get there free products. This will be one of the two ways that you can make money from JV Giveaways.

Your OTO should be short, sweet and to the point. This page will consists of a headline, opening paragraph, short talk about the benefits, list of products with descriptions, a bullet list of benefits, guarantee, order link, a conclusion with P. S.’s and the link to your free products.

You will want to start your page off with an attention grabbing headline and follow it up with an equally strong sub headline. Keep in mind that you are selling to marketing newbies so try to keep focused on them. Your headline should point out the main benefit of having what you are selling. The sub headline should point out the second best benefit. You may have to tweak your headline until it is strong since the pages visitor is not here to buy something. The freebie crowd is a hard one to get to buy but the key is to make it cheap and a very good value.

The next part of your page will be your opening text. Make sure that your first paragraph keeps your readers attention. Your opening text should be about three paragraphs and tell all about the benefits of having the products.

Note: It will be allot easier to write your mini sales page if you have actually read and like the products you are selling.

The third part of the OTO page you will be using for JV Giveaway’s will actually tell the visitor what the products are. To do this it is best to use a table two cells wide. On the one side you will want to put a picture of the products cover. On the other you will want to put the title of the product along with a brief description.

If you need to find pictures for your products the best way is to use Google’s images search engine. It can be found on Google’s main page by clicking the images link. Now, all your mini sales page needs is some benefit bullets. The best way to make your benefit bullets is to directly reference parts of the products. This will arouse curiosity in your reader, hopefully enough to buy the books so they can find the answer. For example do something like the following.

An easy to use technique that can double your AdSense earnings in under a week. – Great AdSense Book (p. 32)

Try to do at least one of these benefit bullets for each book. If you have a hard time finding one for each book it is time to rethink what you are going to sell. You want the products to be useful to your customers. If you cannot find at least one good thing to mention then you should scrap using that book in your sale.

After that, you’ll want to add a guarantee. Most people use a thirty to sixty day money back guarantee. If you sell your package for low enough though you may never see a refund request. Just in case though keep enough to refund two or three sales in your acct. Now you will need to put an order button on this sales page. The easiest way to accept payments is to use PayPal. Once you have signed up or signed in to PayPal you can consult help to find out how to make your button. I strongly suggest selling your package for only $5 through $15.

This will also be the time you think of a name for your thank you page. Use something other than thankyou.html so it is not to easy to guess. The address to this page will be where your button sends customers after a successful purchase. Also make sure you get your payment button encrypted so that others cannot steal your products.

Now it’s time to wrap up your sales page. In this you need to write a closing paragraph or two that tell more about the benefits and state that your visitor will never see this page again. Next you will need to write a small series of post scripts (P. S.). These will restate the benefits again.

The last part will be to add a link to your free products. This is at the very end so hopefully new members will read your sales page. You will also want to put it very close to the post scripts so they will get a glimpse at the products benefits before getting their free products. This is where you will name your free page.

Since your mini sales page is done, you will need to upload the sales page and it’s pictures to your host. Once it’s uploaded make sure the page loads correctly and check your order button to ensure that it works.

Now you will want to make the remaining two pages that are needed for your JV Giveaway. Both of these will be really short and very simple.

The first one will be your free page. This page can be named most anything since it really does not matter if someone stumbles upon it. This page will be very simple and consists of only a thank you message and a link to the products.

Note: It will be easier on you and your list members if you zip the products being offered in the packages. This will cut down on the number of links you need to make as well as the number they need to click on to get their products.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (PDF), 9 Pages
- Cheat Sheet,
- Year Released/Circulated: 2017
- File Size: 2,016 KB

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