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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Importance Of Goal Setting…4
Chapter 2: Short-Term Vs Long-Term Goals.6
Chapter 3: Effective Goals Are Always Written…….8
Chapter 4: Define Your Goals…10
Chapter 5: Prioritize Your Goals………12
Chapter 6: Set Specific Goal Deadlines……..14
Chapter 7: Eliminate Distractions And Track Your Progress…..17
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Chapter 2: Short-Term Vs Long-Term Goals
In the last chapter, you learned about the importance of goal setting, specifically when it comes to actually committing to a goal and seeing what will be involved in order to reach that goal. While breaking down a goal, you will often see that there are sections or stages of tasks that need to be completed in order to attain that goal. These sections or stages of tasks can be labeled as short-term goals, while the overall goal is your long-term goal.
A short-term goal is a step or accomplishment thathelps to bring you closer to your long-term goal. For instance, in the last chapter we talked about wanting to lose 100 pounds. If you lose 5 pounds, that can be considered a step or accomplishment toward your long-term goal of losing 100 pounds, since you only need to lose 95 more pounds to reach your long-term goal of losing 100 pounds. Every 5 pounds you lose brings you that much closer to your long-term goal of losing 100 pounds.
Similarly, if you want to earn a college degree, but have never takena college course before, passing the entrance requirements to enter a college you want to enter can be considered a short-term goal, since you have achieved a stage or step that helps to bring you closer to your long-term goal of earning a college degree.
It’s important when setting lofty long-term goals that you break down the goal into smaller steps or stages that enable you to set short-term goals. Setting short-term goals is key for several reasons. One reason is that you can attain short-term goals more quickly than long-term goals. You can lose 5 pounds quicker than you can lose 100 pounds, and you can pass a college entrance exam quicker than you can earn a college degree.
Another reason setting short-term goals is important is because it helps to give you additional momentum toward achieving your long-term goals. Long-term goals are often challenging to reach, and over the course of the long journey, your devotion, motivation, attention span, and confidence can waver. Attaining short-term goals gives you added momentum and confidence that reinvigorates you to push harder toward the next short-term goal and your overall long-term goal.
As was mentioned in the last chapter, setting a short-term goal is also important because, just looking at long-term goals on the surface, they can seem impossible to achieve, but when you actually break them down into smaller tasks and short-term goals, long-term goals are much more achievable.
Therefore, in this chapter, you have learned the difference between short-term and long-term goals. You’ve learned why setting short-term goals on your way to achieving a long-term goal can help to reinvigorate you and give you additional momentum to reach that long-term goal. In the next chapter, you will learn why writing down your goals is so important.
Chapter 3: Effective Goals Are Always Written
In the last chapter, you learned about the difference between short-term and long-term goals, as well as how attaining short-term goals can give you added momentum and motivation to help you achieve your long-term goals. In this chapter, you will learn why writing down your goals are so important in successfully achieving them.
When many people set goals, they think in their minds of a goal they want to achieve, then go about attempting to achieve it. As was already mentioned earlier in this book, you really need to analyze the goal to see how you can break it down into more manageable and more easily attainable parts (i.e. short-term goals) so that you can attain the ultimate goal (i.e. long-term goals) you want. Most successful people actually write down the goals they want to achieve.
You may wonder, “Why do I need to write down the goal? I know what my goal is.” Yes, you may know what your goal is, but the problem is that, by just having your goal in mind and not writing it down, you can more easily make excuses on why you are not making as much progress toward your goal and even persuade yourself that certain actions you’re taking are helping you to reach your goal when in reality, they aren’t really doing anything to help you reach it.
Additionally, when you write down a goal, you are actually committing to it. If you write down the goal on a piece of paper and put it on your work space, that piece of paper isalways right there, reminding you of what your goal is. You see it, and your mind is immediately reminded of the goal you set, giving yourself a boost of motivation and determination to redouble your efforts to achieve that goal. Similarly, if you writedown the goal in a Notepad file or similar program file, it will always be right there (provided you have the file open, of course), reminding you of what the goal is and giving you a “boost” in terms of redoubling your efforts to achieve that goal.
Inaddition, it’s much harder to dismiss a piece of paper or a Notepad file than it is to just move the goal to the far reaches of your mind and not think about it; this is why most successful people actually write down the goal they have in mind before beginning work to achieve it. Writing down your goal can also lead you to breaking down the goal into more manageable parts as we discussed in the last chapter. Many long-term goals seem to impossible to achieve on the surface, but when we break them down into more manageable, short-term goals, the long-term goal seems more attainable than at first glance.
All of these reasons show the importance of writing down your goals. You may think that writing down a goal doesn’t do much, but it actually commits you to achieving that goal because you took the time to write it down, and the fact you can’t easily dismiss a piece of paper or text file as easily as you can a thought in your head makes it harder to make excuses over why you are not making as much progress or doing actions that really aren’t helping you to reach your long-term goal. Therefore, in this chapter, you have learned why it’s important to write down your goals, including committing to the goal, not being able to easily dismiss it as you can a thought, and the fact that you can easily break the goal down into more manageable parts (i.e. short-term goals) when you write down the long-term goal on a piece of paper or in a text file. In the next chapter, you will learn how to define your goals so that you know what you want to achieve and so that you can achieve them.
Chapter 4: Define Your Goals
In the last chapter, you learned the importance of writing down your goals and how it can help you to achieve them. As was mentioned at the beginning ofthis book, you need to define your goals in order to reach them. Just as you have to decide where you are going in an automobile before you can get there, similarly, you have to decide what goals you want to achieve before you can actually achieve them. Therefore, in this chapter, you will learn how to define your goals so you can actually achieve them.
A goal is a desired result or achievement you want to reach. Therefore, you need to decide what you want to achieve in your life. You need to decide what you want to be remembered for and what actions in your life you want to do to reach this goal. In determining what goals you want to achieve, ask yourself what really drives you, what motivates you to get up in the morning.
Is it your family? Is it your career? Is it the environment? Is it wealth? Is it something else? You need to decide what really matters to you, then decide what you want to achieve to exemplify what really matters to you. If the environment really matters to you, do you want to earn a degree in a field related to protecting the environment? Do you want to earn a position at a company that is committed to protecting the environment? Do you want to start your own company whose mission is to protect the environment?
Other Details- 20 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 21 Pages
- 3 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 3 Promotional Ad Materials (Emails)
- Checklist, Resource, Mindmap, Social Media Images
- Year Released/Circulated: 2017
- File Size: 17,250 KB
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