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Define Your Goals
A goal is a desired result or achievement you want to reach. You need to decide what you want to achieve in your life.
You need to decide what you want to be remembered for and what actions in your life you want to do to reach this goal.
What really matters to you?
• Family
• Career
• Environment
• Wealth
• Etc…
Once you know what drives you and what matters to you, you’ll have a better idea of what goals you want to achieve in your lifetime.
Prioritize Your Goals
Prioritizing your goals is a must because though it’s hard to believe, you will not live forever…
• You need to prioritize your goals because if you get a sudden, incurable illness or condition, you may not be able to pursue your goals after that point.
• You need to prioritize your short-term goals first because you will need to reach them first in order to obtain your long-term goals.
We want the long-term goals the most, but they are virtually unattainable if we don’t accomplish the short-term goals first.
Set Specific Goal Deadlines
Goal Setting Powerhouse
By not writing down goals, you can’t analyze what it will take to reach those goals, nor reasonably estimate how long the long-term will take to be reached.
Writing down goals enables you to break down the goal into more manageable tasks.
• Determine how long you want to take to reach your long-term goal.
• Then, based on the time period to reach your long-term goal, divide that period up to reach all of the short-term goals you need to reach to attain your long-term goal.
If you want to attain a long-term goal in a specific amount of time, then you know the time period you have to achieve all of the short-term goals needed to be obtained to attain the long-term goal in that time period.
You can break down exactly how long you need to attain each short-term goal in order to obtain the long-term goal in the time period you specify.
If you fall behind on attaining any of the short-term goals in the set time periods, you will not achieve your long-term goal in the time period you set.
Eliminate Distractions And Track Your Progress
Everyone faces distractions in day to day life so the goal here is to reduce said distractions as much as possible.
• Distractions can be internal, such as self-doubt or losing focus.
• Distractions can be external, such as social media, email, smartphones, unexpected circumstances.
The key to successfully achieving goals consistently is to overcome and eliminate the distractions that stand in your way.
Goal Setting Powerhouse
It’s often helpful to map out each day in terms of the tasks you need and want to complete, then sectioning off the amount of time you believe you can get those tasks done in.
Then, at the end of the day, check to see if you accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish.
Review how well you did; if you met all of your tasks/goals for the day, reward yourself and attempt to do more tasks/goals the next day.
If you didn’t achieve all of your tasks/goals for the day, review why you didn’t complete everything, then make adjustments based on the circumstances (whether it was loss of focus, distractions, etc.).
Determining what caused you to take longer on a task will help you to eliminate its influence over you when completing future tasks.
Reviewing where you fell short in completing your tasks is key to knowing how you can improve and complete more of your goals, both short-term and long-term, in the amount of time you expect or even earlier.
Knowing how to improve and complete more of your goals in less time will lead to more fulfillment, a better legacy, and more opportunities for achievement, wealth, and satisfaction.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 7 Pages
- 3 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Promotional Ad Material (Emails)
- Twitter Tweets, Email Signatures, Forums Signatures, Optun page, Facebook Post
- Year Released/Circulated: 2017
- File Size: 2,860 KB
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