Salespage Snapshot:

Table of Contents
0 Acknowledgments i
1 This Detail will Improve Your Swing and Your Score 8
2 Six Things You Do Wrong Step-by-Step 16
3 Your Physics Teacher Could be a Better Golfer 27
4 Baseball, Vardon and Interlocking 29
5 What You Can Do Without a Pro 32
6 Golf Clubs 34
7 How Much do You Know About the History of the Game? 37
8 All In A Days Laughter 40
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Hips and Upper Thigh
1. This stretch can easily be done incorrectly. You won’t get injured but you also won’t gain anything for the time you spend. Try doing it in front of a mirror or asking a friend to watch. You want your entire body to be straight during the stretch without any bend at the waist or hips. Standing straight, bend your knee and grab your foot behind you. Now pull your foot to your buttocks without bending forward at the hips or waist and without pulling the leg so far back that your leg is no longer in line with your shoulders.
2. Get into the lunge position with your left knee on the ground and your right foot as far forward as possible. Push your hips forward and keep your chest up. Try to get your left thigh to approximately 45 degrees to the floor. Raise your left hand as high as you can and twist slightly to the right, looking over your right shoulder and reaching over your head.
Upper Chest
1. You’ll need a doorway to do this stretch. Opening up your chest and pectoral muscles will decrease any pain you feel in your upper back. Stand in the middle of the doorway with one foot in front of the other. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and put your forearms on each side of the doorframe. Lean into your front leg until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles and hold for 15-20 seconds. Relax into your starting position and repeat after a 1 minute rest 5-7 times.
Achilles Tendon
1. Stretch #1 should be done for several weeks before attempting Stretch #2. This is the classic runners stretch. Standing upright approximately 2 – 21/2 feet from a wall or stationary object place one foot in front of the other and your hands flat against the surface, leaning in. Bend the front leg slightly placing the emphasis on the rear leg that remains straight. You will keep your hip flat and in alignment from shoulder to hip to foot. You should feel the stretch in the calf muscle primarily. The Achilles tendon is connected to the muscles at the base of the calf muscle so by stretching the calf you are preparing the Achilles tendon.
2. After several weeks of doing the first Achilles tendon stretch you will use a stair or stack of books for the next stretch. If you are using a stack of books make them high enough that your heel won’t touch the ground during the stretch and near a stationary object that you can use to steady yourself. Step onto the books or step and place the ball of one foot on the edge of the rise. Drop your heel and stretch the Achilles tendon while holding on to an object for stability. Hold this stretch for 20 seconds and repeat with the other foot. You can alternate feet until you’ve done the stretch 3-5 times on each foot.
Now about strength.
Most of the muscle groups discussed above have common strengthening exercises that will improve your strength while you’re improving your flexibility.
So let’s address the wrist. The weakest link will always be the one that breaks first and in most cases, for a golfer, this is the wrist.
Take a few minutes to picture a perfect golf swing. Your wrist controls the club throughout the entire swing to bring the head of the club into perfect alignment with the ball. As your arms, shoulders, and core muscles work in perfect tandem to store energy and release it in an explosion of power at the ball, it is your wrist that provides the stability and power through the impact or ball strike.
The solution to strengthening the weakest link is to do exercises that are specific to the role of the wrist in the golf swing. No special equipment needed!
1. Stand straight with your hands at your side. Place a club in one hand, grasping it near the end of the grip. Raise the club only by cocking your hand at the wrist. Use a lighter wedge if you’re new to this or a long iron if your wrists are already strong. Raise the club as high as you can and lower. Do a set of 10 –15 then switch arms and repeat. Do one or two sets three times each week. You’ll feel a burning sensation in the forearms – this is what you are aiming for!
2. Don’t strengthen one group of muscles without also working the opposing group of muscles. If you have unbalanced strength you are more likely to be injured. Standing straight, with your arms in front of you at chest level, grasp one club in both hands, balancing the club evening on both sides. Keeping your palms down raise and lower your hands, only at the wrist 10 times. Then change position so your palms face up and repeat. Again – one to two sets three times each week.
Again, there are small changes that will make big differences. 6 small changes you make to the way you approach the ball can make incredible differences in the drive and direction of your strike.
Golf is both an intellectual and physiological game that takes the coordination of the mind and the body to work well consistently. Another aspect of playing golf is training the body to move consistently, without thought, to deliver a strong swing each and every time. The power of your swing comes from the body so the biomechanics of golf swing comes not from the arms, but rather a coordination of both arms and body.
Biomechanics is literally the study of the mechanics pertaining to the human body. This means how your body moves and the final results of that movement. Scientists use the study of biomechanics to determine how high a human can jump, how fast we can run or how to strike that golf ball so it goes exactly where you want it to go.
Biomechanics of the golf swing is how all parts of your body must function together to get the straightest, longest, strongest and most controlled swing possible. Using the correct biomechanics you’ll have the least amount of power leaks in your swing. For instance, when the body is highly efficient and the hips drive in coordination with the rest of the body, all the power is focused on at the end of the golf club.
Scientists who study biomechanics combine the movement of muscle, bone and nerve innervation to predict what the outcome of the movement will be. The good thing is that scientists have been studying the biomechanics of the golf swing for years and can now create a model of the optimal swing to show you specifically how to hit that ball and make it go where you want.
But how can the golf swing be explained here when professionals spend their lives working on their swing?
Basically … the fundamentals of a golf swing doesn’t change.
The golf swing is based on fact – power, thrust, force, levers.
For instance, watch professional players during their swing. Each may be slightly different based on personality, but the fundamentals are the same – or they wouldn’t be playing professionally.
If you take the fundamentals and make them easy to understand without the technical stuff, then you’ll be better able to reproduce the results you are looking for. It’s a bit like your computer. You have to know how to turn it on and work the software, but you can usually leave the hardware questions to the experts.
You want results and that’s what you’re going to get here. As long as you focus on the fundamentals you’ll be working toward a consistent swing. It is the same in all sports. The fundamentals will take you further than most tricks can ever hope to. Playing street basketball may look like more fun but it won’t win national championships.
Fundamentals win games and improve scores.
Can You Give Me A Quick Fix?
It’s human nature to want a quick fix to a problem. We want a pill or shot without getting to the root of the problem. But just like in anything else a quick fix often leads to other problems – caused by the quick fix.
For instance, if you’re slicing the ball a common quick fix is to adjust your grip to hook the ball. It may make your ball go straighter today but you are just putting a bandage on a bleeding artery.
A slice is a problem with your fundamental swing – not just the grip. If you don’t identify and fix the problem then the fix may cause other problems. If your slice is caused from your pivot then you can end up with back problems, sidelining your game.
Identify the true problem and not just the symptom.
- 1 Ebook (DOCX, PDF, TXT), 23 Pages
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