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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
Google Adwords and Adsense Explained 3
What is Google Adwords? 4
Getting Started with Google AdWords 4
Understanding Different Types of Targeting for Adwords 5
4 Things You Should Know Before Using Google Adwords 6
Top Mistakes Made Using Adwords 7
Ways to Increase Conversion Rates on Adwords 8
How to Keep Google Adwords Simple 9
Using the Search Based Keyword Tool for Google Adwords 10
How to make Google Adwords Cost Effective for your Business 11
How to Stay Competitive with Google Adwords 12
How to Choose Appropriate Keywords for Google Adwords 13
Common Google Adsense Questions 13
The Ugly Truth about Google Adsense… Not so Ugly 14
Disadvantages to Google Adsense 15
AdSense Advantages 16
Getting an Adsense Ad onto Your Website 17
How to Make Money with Google Adsense 17
Finding Keywords for your Niche Market 18
How to Find a Niche Market for Keyword Marketing 19
Tricks of the Adsense Trade: Ad Placement & Design 21
The Best Formatting for your Adsense Ads 22
Why Adsense Ads Give More Value to Your Visitors 23
Make More Money with Higher Paying Keywords 24
Required Skills to Make Money with Google Adsense 24
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Google Adwords and Adsense Explained
It can be confusing for beginners to grasp the difference between Google Adwords and Google Adsense. They are in fact two separate programs, although they work in tandem with each other to deliver results for all parties involved.
Google Adwords is the program that allows advertisers to advertise their website by the use of ads. Those advertisements most often show up on Google’s search results page (usually on the right hand column). They can also be displayed on Google’s partner sites (like other search engines) or on publisher/webmaster’s websites.
As an advertiser, you only pay Google for your ads that show up on their site and on their partner’s sites. You do not pay for your ad to show up on other publishers’ sites. In this instance, you would pay per click (PPC).
Google Adsense refers to the program wherein publishers sign up to run advertisers’ ads on their website. The publishers are then paid by Google for each user they provide to those ads.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 25
* Included Graphics: Ecovers
* Extras: eBay Sales Page
* Download File Size: 1,722 KB