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Ebook Table Of Contents
Introduction 3
Getting started and Making sense of Pet Food, Diet, Nutrition and Healthy habits, menus, options/choices and Routines
SECTION 1: Some (TOP TEN) Initial Practical Tips to get you started with dog/pet nutrition 10
1. Assessments, Baselines, Underlying Causes, Medical Make-up
2. Healthy Pet-snacking: Doggie-treats can be healthy
3. What goes in must come out
4. Watching what and how much consumption – portion/rationing – lessening intake (calorie reduction)
5. Occasional indulgences and regular meals (balanced nutrition)
6. Other possible reasons for weight-gain/loss
7. Getting it right the first time with pet-diet and nutrition
8. New perspective and outlook: Organic, Healthier, more balanced
9. Inappropriate choices and alternatives not-so or NON pet-friendly food-choices
10. Changing diets
SECTION 2: Factors and Influencers to also consider as part of your strategy and action plan for pet/dog nutrition, health and balanced living 35
1. Age, medical conditioning of your pet plays a role too
2. Facilitating Digestion (salt, fiber and fat)
3. Pet-food and serving Tips, Additions
4. Less is more, is better!
5. The role of Breeds and Genetics
6. The realities and intricacies of pet-weight gain
7. Supplementation and nutritional additions
8. Tracking, monitoring progress, thriving, appetite
9. A top pet/dog-priority: Balanced life: Getting and staying fit
10. During Illness
1. NEW PRIORITIES: Making pet-eating, nutrition, meals, treats part of a healthy balanced day, week, getting out, about and around
2. FOSTERING RELATIONSHIPS: A new lifestyle, livelong partnership with man’s best friend
3. CHANGING HABITS FOR GOOD: Play, exercise and other Routines that help
4. PLAY, FUN, EXERCISE: Recommended Activities and Exercises
5. MAKING IT WORTHWHILE: Training and Rewarding
6. REPLENISH: Rest and Hydration
7. OPTIMIZE: Environmental considerations
8. SOCIALIZATION, ADJUSTMENT: Interaction with others (pets/trainers, other dogs, breeds, children, elderly etc.)
9. THINKING AND DOING DIFFERENTLY GETS RESULTS: Prevention is better than cure!
10. A final word on finding balance, living healthy, eating right, exercising often!
THE LAST WORD: Closing Final thoughts 63-64
Ebook Sample Content Preview
Getting started and Making sense of Pet Food, Diet, Nutrition and Healthy habits, menus, options/choices and Routines
Knowing what to feed your best canine friend(s), can be quite the challenge. Many options in the marketplace abound. Reading the nutrition labels only tell half the story. Owners and pet lovers need to know what they are putting into the systems of their pets. This growing, expanding market offers great choice and options, for varying budgets and preferences.
Are you aware of what the best/better choices would be for feed for your dog. Pet nutrition science, pet food marketing information can be confusing and overwhelming, but you can make healthier choices for your dog. Commercially you can find many quality products, for smaller and larger breeds of dogs. Most owners are looking for complete and balanced nutrition. Fats and proteins are not all your dog will need. There are many claims that some foods are better or so-called naturally healthier. This is not necessarily true.
Here are just some of the criteria you can utilize to screen for the best value and quality dog food:
Palatability (taste)
For optimal health and vitality of your dogs, they do not necessarily need high levels of proteins. Too much of a good thing is never good. Obesity and nutritional disorders are on the rise, with more and more conscious decision-making about ingredients, formulations etc. put into focus the real need to take issue with what, how much dogs are consuming, balanced living and nutrition.
Here are just some of the key ingredients (especially if you have a growing puppy on your hands, or young dog, still developing:
anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting elements
chelated minerals
creatine monohydrate
glucose polymers
Omega 3 fatty acids
powerful amino acids
… as well as, of course, TASTE, CALORIES, FATS & PRICE!
Gestating, lactating, pregnant, young, old, all breeds, all sizes of dogs/pets have differing nutritional needs and it is not just as simple as grabbing the nearest, closest, cheapest bag off the shelf to ensure proper, best-suited balanced, adequate nutrition.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 66
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Extras: 5 Part Autoresponder Email Message Series
* Download File Size: 7,253 KB