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Chapter 1: What is the Point in Healthy Eating?
A lot of people have the mentality that you only live once, so you should do whatever it is that you want to do and when you want to do it. Most don’t realize how difficult it is to pick up the slack later on in life when you have been abusive to your body by neglecting your nutritional needs.
That may seem like a harsh phrasing, but that is the unfortunate fact of the matter. If you are not eating healthy foods, you’re physically depriving yourself of the nutrition that you need in order to grow and function at your highest possible potential. Americans are under nourished, despite the fact that food is readily available to most people.
And the reason that happens is because Americans tend to eat processed foods rather than whole foods. Whether this is because of addiction or because of convenience or because of poverty, the fact remains the same. Processed foods are unhealthy, and when eaten in large doses on a daily basis, they contribute to weight gain and other serious complications with your health later in life.
Processed foods are exceptionally bad for you because they are high in fat and sugar and salt content, and when you eat them, they lack fiber. That means that you can eat more of them without feeling full, and when you do feel full, by then you have consumed a lot of the unhealthy elements of the processed foods and very little of the fiber that you need to eliminate them. This will mess up your digestion and prevent you from burning as many calories as you consume from the food you’re eating.
Eating healthy is incredibly important, especially if you don’t want to have further complications with your health later on in life. If you want to eat healthy and learn why, the book Healthy Eating will show you how.
Chapter 2: Are You Willing to Eat Healthy?
Eating healthy really comes down to a personal choice. Are you willing to look yourself in the eye and face up to the challenges that are preventing you from doing what you want to do? Are you willing to make the changes that you need to make in order to improve your life and get on track? All of us may talk a big game and have a lot of plans and goals, but if you are willing to put in the work and dedication that is required in making lasting changes in your life, then all of this goes out the window very quickly.
You have to determine whether or not you are willing to change your perspective on things. You have to be able to be honest with yourself about your weaknesses and downfalls. All of us have a hard time admitting it when we are wrong, at least sometimes. Others of us sometimes have a hard time believing we are anything but wrong, and both of these are not good mindsets to have. You have to have confidence, but you also have to have perspective.
An honest perspective will allow you to understand where you falter and what you should do in order to overcome those limitations. It is never a bad thing to admit to yourself that you have limitations or challenges that need to be addressed. It is only by acknowledging these limitations and challenges that we will ever grow stronger. If you have a hard time believing that you have faults or that your mind has become accustomed to bad habits that make you susceptible to self-destructive behaviors, then it will be almost impossible for you to address those behaviors in a constructive manner.
You have to assert yourself to yourself. To be the best version of yourself possible, you first have to understand all the ways that you could be improving. Once you understand those difficulties or shortcomings as you may want to refer to them, then you will be able to fully allow yourself to become greater. You have to accept things at face value before you can ever truly move on. Once you accept things, then you can begin to work through them and process them in a healthy way.
It’s like that with many things, and healthy eating is definitely among them. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for help. And don’t be afraid to admit that you need it. This book will show you how you can begin to overcome these challenges and why it is important for you to focus on healthy eating above all else.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOCX), 10 Pages
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 1 Graphic (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2021
- File Size: 10,632 KB
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