Herbal Healing For Everyone Plr Ebook

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1:
Herbal Healing Basics
Chapter 2:
How To Treat Wounds With Herbs
Chapter 3:
How To Treat Acne With Herbs
Chapter 4:
Treating Anxiety And Depression With Herbs
Chapter 5:
Herbal Assistance For Cancer Treatment
Chapter 6:
Body Detox With Herbs
Chapter 7:
Herbs For Headaches And Tension
Chapter 8:
Herbs For Helping With Lung Conditions
Chapter 9:
Top 5 Herbs To Keep On Hand
Chapter 10:
What You Need To Know-The Cautions About Using Herbs
Wrapping Up

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Chapter 2: How To Treat Wounds With Herbs


There are lots of different herbs for different uses, made available by nature itself. Treating wounds with simple ingredients found in a household is not uncommon.

A person who prefers to treat ailments the natural way should take the time to compile a simple list of some common herbs and keep these herbs at hand to quick and easy use.


It’s very handy to have some knowledge on herbs used for treating wound for children. Almost every day a child will manage to get him or herself hurt while playing, thus having these quick easy remedies available would eliminate the need to run to a medical facility often.

The aloe herb contains compounds that can reduce inflammation, swelling, and redness of wounds. This herb should be applied directly to the wound after a simple cleaning exercise is done to rid the wound of any unwanted particles. The naturally secreted gel works wonders for superficial wounds.

Calendula officinalis is another herd that can successfully treat wounds. The flavanoids and antioxidants it contain helps to speed up the healing process by increasing the blood flow to the wound. This ingredient can be applied topically and is also a popular ingredient in creams and ointments.

Slippery elm, a tree native to North America can also be used to treat wounds. Slippery elm is also found in powder form, but should be applied around the wound and not directly into an open wound.

Other more familiar herbs used to treat wounds are lavender which not only helps the healing process but also acts as a germ killing agent. Tea tree oil also disinfects while healing wounds. This particular herb works at quite a fast pace in the healing process. Echinacea, Marigold, and Myrrh are also good healing agents for wounds. All these can be applied to the wounds by simply diluting a little herbal tincture with water.

Chapter 3: How To Treat Acne With Herbs


Acne is a condition that is caused by the over production of sebum. When this happens the pores become blocked and hard plugs are formed.

This chocking eventually causes the acne condition. Other causes may include hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, menstrual periods, emotional stress, and others.

Skin Issues

Treating the acne problem can be quite a challenge because of its reoccurring possibilities. However some advocate the use of certain herbs for better control or eradication of the acne condition.
The following are just some common suggestions of herbs used to treat acne in varying degrees.

• Tea tree oil – this treatment causes less drying and stinging after effects. Also the redness is at a minimal.
• Aloe gel – has antibacterial properties which help to kill of the germs or also stop them from contaminating other parts of the skin
• Rose water – is applied to give relief to the itching and pain
• Walnut leaf – can be used as an astringent face wash.
• Burdock root and dandelion – both these herbs contain insulin which can improve the skin condition and remove the bacteria.
• Goldenseal – helps to stop the acne from secreting any puss of other undesirable liquids.
• Calendula – promotes the healing of the tissues at a more rapid pace. It also helps to heal the scars left to some level of smoothness.

It is highly recommended that the acne condition be treated internally as well as externally. Both these areas are intertwined and treating one without the other may not produce the desired results.
When the desired results are forthcoming the conditions may end up becoming worse because now the added factor of depression and stress is added.

Acne responds to a combination of herbs used both for internal as well as external use. This combination is important to achieve long lasting results.

Ideally the herbs used for topical purposes should include tea tree oil, lavender, and calendula, while those used internally should be milk thistle and dandelion.

Chapter 4: Treating Anxiety And Depression With Herbs


Treating anxiety and depression using herbs is a good alternative to using the conventional method of prescription drugs. This side effects from resorting to using prescription drugs and be long term, harmful and sometimes not adequately addressing the anxiety and depression issues.


By using herbal remedies it allows the person in the anxiety and depression condition to be treated through a natural way which deals with the social anxiety disorder and the body’s chemical imbalance which causes the depression in the first place.

Of course there are some herbs that are found to be more effective than others when treating these conditions. It should be noted however that in order for these herbs to have the desired success rate or results, the diet of the individual must be well balance and healthy.

All these elements combined together will contribute to a better sense of calm and relaxed mental state.

• Magnolia bark is a powerful herbs used to treat the insomnia problem which is one of the underlying causes for depression and anxiety.

• Phellodendron bark is another fundamental herb used in ancient Chinese medicine to actually arrest the stress build up and also relief the anxiety condition. It works by regulating the cortisol which is effectively the stress hormone.

• St John wort is used to treat the depression and anxiety in only small doses. So when using this herb, prudency must be exercised.

• Valerian is regarded as the most powerful herb available to address the depression and anxiety issue. It works to positively influence the body’s chemical make up of certain elements.
• Lemon balm is also popularly referred to as the calming herb. It is mostly used for its almost sedative like inducing properties.

• Hops powder formally used primarily to treat insomnia, is now recommended for its assistance in treating depression. However at this point, it is still not conclusively proven that this herb is the only contributing factor in the success of treating depression.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (DOCX, PDF), 32 Pages
- Ecover (JPG)
- File Size: 23,100 KB
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