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PLR Ebook With Audio Table Of Contents
How to Plan Ahead for Your Projects 4
Cosmetic vs. Structural Changes 6
Great Home Improvement Ideas for Resale 8
When Should You Hire an Expert? 10
How to Change a Faucet 12
How to Paint Your Walls 14
How to Apply Wallpaper 16
How to Install Shelves 18
How to Change a Light Fixture 20
How to Lay Tiles 22
How to Lay Hardwood or Laminate Floors 24
How to Install Crown Molding and Baseboards 26
Tips for Planning an Addition to Your Home 28
Tips for Converting an Attic 30
Tips for Finishing a Basement 32
PLR Ebook With Audio Sample Content Preview
How to Plan Ahead for Your Projects
When it comes to home improvement, unless you plan ahead for your projects, you could get into a whole lot of trouble. Whether the project is large or small, you will need to think it through and then plan ahead for it to run smoothly. When thinking ahead, you need to consider what your future needs might be. You may think that extra bathroom space would be better used as an office, but when the children reach their teenage years, an extra bathroom may save your sanity.
Also you need to think about how the project will change the traffic flow or other features in your home. If sunlight shining through your kitchen window is a feature you love, then realize that a new room or deck just outside it will prevent the sun reaching that area. An extra room will also decrease your yard space.
If you are doing the project yourself, make sure you have the time to finish it within a reasonable period of time. If you are hiring professionals, make sure they are licensed and insured, and get word of mouth approvals of their work ethic. If you do some of the work yourself, make sure your hired pro can start when you want him to. A contract with clear outlines of work to be completed, materials to be used, time and costs, is an absolute necessity.
Permits may be necessary for larger projects, especially additions or structural changes. This can take some time, so be sure and start early. You also need to plan to fit the work in with your own future plans. If you’ve been planning a month overseas, just before you leave is not the best time for your project to get started. If you need some peace and quiet to finish a course of study, then wait until you’re done before you allow the sound of hammers and saws to invade your space…
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF, Mp3
* Number of Pages: 33
* Included Graphics: Ecovers
* PLR Articles: Doc, Mp3
* Number Of PLR Articles: 25
* Download File Size: 102,825 KB