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Ebook Table Of Contents
Is Your Home a Target? 4
What Areas Need Security? 6
The Importance of Exterior Lighting 8
How to Secure Entrance Doors 10
Tips for Securing Side Doors and Other Entry Points 12
What to Look for in Locks 14
Tips for Securing Garages 16
Finding the Right Security for Your Windows 18
Tips for Fencing Your Property 20
What Type of Alarm System Should You Use? 22
Hidden Dangers Inside the Home 24
Facts About Smoke Detectors 26
What to Know About Fire Extinguishers 28
How to Avoid Electrical Dangers 30
How to Prevent Accidents in the Home 32
Ebook Sample Content Preview
Is Your Home a Target?
While there is a risk of break-in and burglary to almost any home, some homes seem to suffer greater risk than others. This is partly due to their location. The geographical area in which a home is built is in some cases more prone to robbery. Historically, poorer areas are more likely to have a higher crime rate, especially if your home is slightly more valuable than most in the area. But in some cases a middle class area that is next to a poor area might suffer a high crime rate.
Where your home is located is also a factor in being a target for break-ins. If the house is in an out-of-way area, then that can make it a target, as would-be thieves feel more secure. Thieves may see a house in an area where there is a lot of foot and automotive traffic as a high-risk area, as their activities can be seen more easily.
However, if the house is so isolated that it is hard to get to, then that would be a factor in its favor. Thieves are not going to go too far out of their way to rob a house because it will be harder to hide or disappear after the job is done. They would need a vehicle to approach the house and that would be quite obvious, especially if there were few other vehicles in the district. And of course, it is harder to find the house to start with.
A built up area where a loiterer would go unnoticed due to plenty of other foot traffic would suit a burglar. Here he has a choice of numerous homes, rather than just one or two. He can walk past or drive past with no one taking any notice of him. He can linger on the sidewalk without being obvious. And if he finds that there is a dog, or the whole family is home, he can move on to look for greener pastures without losing too much time.
A home that is surrounded by thick bushes and tall trees may be seen as easy pickings by a thief because all the shrubbery will hide him from both onlookers and occupants. If that home has a glass door, then that makes his work a great deal easier. He can simply smash a hole in the glass and unlock the door from the inside. Big windows also make it easy for the thief to break in. All these things should be taken into account when seeking to secure your home from break-ins…
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 33
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