Hypnotherapy Healing Plr Ebook

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1: What is Hypnotherapy

Chapter 2: Kinds of Hypnotherapy

Chapter 3: How To Manage Weight Loss With Hypnotherapy

Chapter 4: How To Stop Smoking And Other Bad Habits With Hypnotherapy

Chapter 5: You Can Control Diabetes With Hypnotherapy

Chapter 6: Learn To Control Stress With Hypnotherapy

Chapter 7: Hypnosis To Remedy Fertility Issues

Chapter 8: Heal Relationships With Hypnotherapy

Chapter 9: Self Image Healing With Hypnotherapy

Chapter 10: The Repercussions To Not Taking Charge Of Your Life

Wrapping Up

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Chapter 2: Kinds of Hypnotherapy


Medical procedures do not always have to involve scientifically acknowledged medicines, treatments, and doctors. Sometimes other styles of treatments are also acknowledged as medically approved practices. Hypnotherapy is one of the few alternative treatments that have been accepted by the medical fraternity as a viable way to treat a condition.

More In Depth

There are basically two main categories of hypnotherapy, Suggestion hypnotherapy and Analytical hypnotherapy. Both are explained as follows:

Suggestion hypnotherapy –

Is the practice where a therapist will induce a trance like state in the patient and then make or suggest simple and easy ideas or instructions to follow.

These suggestions, instructions or ideas are positive in nature and are introduced into the patients mind with the intention of correcting any negative situations, characteristics, etc. this kind of therapy is useful to help people who have trouble with weaning of undesirable habits like smoking, taking controlled substances, repetitive unnecessary actions and many more.

In the treatment session the therapist will suggest to the patient the follies and encourage alternatives. Unfortunately because the patient is not required to be in a totally deep trancelike state for this type of hypnotherapy, the effects though seem initially to be successful may eventually wear off in time.

Analytical hypnotherapy –

This type of therapy requires a deeper and more committed state of mind. In this style of hypnotherapy the therapist will probe deeper into the mind of the patient to find the exact cause and effect of a particular problem.

People who have experienced traumatic situations that have left and unshakeable impression usually seek this kind of redress. The aim is to treat the physical problem that is the product of the psychological distress.

The success rate of this style is quite good and fairly long term. The patient is able to understand the reason for the reaction brought on by the trauma and thus address it in a more suitable suggested manner. However several sessions may have to be conducted before this ideal is reached.

Chapter 3: How To Manage Weight Loss With Hypnotherapy


Food, glorious food, a temptation few can refuse, and refuse they don’t, thus the vicious cycle that is the cause of many people having to deal with weight issues.

Slimming Down

The most popular method is of course dieting, but dieting alone for most people has proven to be a very challenging and difficult exercise to embark upon successfully. There are many reasons why people turn to food for comfort.

Some of which are family eating styles, moods and emotions, habits, quality, and choice of diet, lack of knowledge on food, exercise and its regularity are just a few more obvious possible reasons why people turn to food.

Programs like hypnotherapy have proven to have wonderful results when used to address these various eating disorders. Through hypnotherapy the patient is trained by use of the mind to remove all the old programming and associations with food and replace it with healthier alternatives.

The individual is also taught how to reinforce the end objective with practicing self hypnosis every time the “threat” of falling back into the old habit of eating arises.

Though some people might think it strange to acknowledge that one’s feelings have a “secret language” all of its own, understanding this “language” and controlling it through hypnotherapy is the key to keeping the eating disorder in check.

Therefore rather than responding to these feelings using the food satisfaction “language” hypnotherapy introduces alternatives, which doesn’t leave the individual feeling worse, thus eliminating the need to consuming the unwanted food to begin with.

There are still some people who are of the opinion that weight loss cannot be successfully addressed with hypnotherapy. Perhaps that is a probable assumption if the individual is only depending on hypnotherapy to lose weight.

Ideally hypnotherapy should be complimenting other methods of weight loss programmers like eating a healthy diet and exercising.

Chapter 4: How To Stop Smoking And Other Bad Habits With Hypnotherapy


Trying to stop a bad habit is very difficult and sometimes even impossible, especially when the bad habit has been practiced over a long period of time.

Simply expecting the bad habit to stop or disappear is unrealistic unless coupled with the appropriate approach. The appropriate choice made must take into consideration many factors in order for it to work successfully in each individual circumstance.

Stop The Bad Stuff

Stopping smoking habits and other bad habits using hypnotherapy has its merits and success rates. The “mind over matter” saying, though simplistic, does help a person in a fearful or painful situation, however this alone cannot work if it is not understood and practiced correctly.

Ideally the hypnotherapist will first explore the different reasons and causes that induce the individual to turn to the bad habit. The different reasons could be because of boredom, stress, nervousness, traumatic experiences, problems, etc.

When this has been determined the hypnotherapist will then introduce ideas and alternatives into the trance induced mind to counter the previous negative mind set. In using hypnotherapy, the subconscious mind is opened to accept the introduction of new ideas or feelings, suggestions or perceptions when addressing the link to the bad habits.

The hypnotherapist will be able to deeply ingrain the suggestion of the negative consequences of continuing with the current bad habit state. Alternatively a positive thought can also be suggested, to encourage the individual to focus on the advantages of eradicating the bad habit.

If the individual is able to constantly draw on this subconsciously ingrained thought pattern to combat the craving that supposedly fixes the problem, then the battle to stop the habit is on its way to success.

Hypnotherapy is also a method that does not require any additional medication to be added to the already difficult equation. It is also used as a complimenting tool to help the individual overcome the bad habit.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (DOCX, PDF), 33 Pages
- Ecover (JPG)
- File Size: 11,382 KB
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