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Table of Contents
Introduction …………………… 5
What You Will Learn in This Book ………………. 7
Chapter 1: Two Massive Opportunities – Social Media and the Sharing
Economy … 10
How Facebook Has Changed the World and Continues to Change the
World ……… The Sharing Economy ………………. 14
Chapter 2: More Opportunities for Innovation: Crowdsourcing and
Software-As-Service …………………… 18
Incredible, Innovative Examples of Crowdsourcing Businesses ……………….. 19
Crowdfunding …….. 21
Chapter 3: Creating a ‘Product As Service’ Business …………… 23
Apps and More Opportunities . 25
Chapter 4: How to Stumble on Your BIG Idea ………. 28
Productizing a Service ……………… 29
Solving Your Pain Points ………… 30
How to Identify a Need in a Market and Fulfill It …….. 31
Chapter 5: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur – Getting Into a
Creative, Paradigm-Shifting Mindset …….. 34
How to Become More Inventive and Creative …………. 35
Chapter 6: Time to Get Practical – Can You Build Your Idea? ………………. 40
How to Theoretically Make Your Idea Happen ……….. 41
How to Create Your Own Mobile App, SAS or Social Media Network 41
Creating Your Own Physical Product .. 45
Chapter 7: Validating Your Idea – Does Your Innovation Work as a
Business? 49
How to Validate Your Idea ……… 51
The Fail-Fast Mentality …………….. 52
Chapter 8: Protecting Your Idea ……………….. 55
How to Protect Your Intellectual Property ………………….. 56
Chapter 9: Funding Your Disruptive Business Idea ……………….. 60
Crowdfunding ………….. 60
Other Sources of Cash …………….. 62
Finding Investors …… 63
Chapter 10: How to Market Something Entirely New ……………… 65
Consider a Slow Roll Out………… 66
Embrace Being Different …………. 68
Explain Your Message ……………… 68
Find Ambassadors .. 69
Conclusion: The Long Journey Ahead … 7
Sample Content Preview
Chapter 1: Two Massive Opportunities – Social Media and the Sharing Economy
We live in an incredibly exciting time for business and technology. Apart from anything else, I find it immensely satisfying and exciting that it is now possible to earn money online from anywhere in the world.
I am an entrepreneur myself and right now, as I write this book, I am sitting in a café in Oxford, England. I’m looking down at the street below, people watching while I sip my mocha and type this book out on my Surface Pro that sits on my lap.
The web has transformed the way we do business. Just fifteen years ago, it would have been unheard of to think that you could earn a living this way. My Uncle put it well when he said that internet marketers and digital entrepreneurs are really pioneers – exploring new ways to live and work. I’ll take that compliment.
But as I mentioned, internet marketing is really only the tip of the iceberg. The web is far more transformative than simply allowing us to work from other locations. Right now, technologies like the web and mobile phones are transforming countless industries in ways that we could never have predicted or foreseen. And the future is looking even more incredible.
The opportunities that this presents for savvy business is huge and if you’re willing to take advantage of the changing face of business and economy, then you can not only profit HUGELY but also steer the course of mankind’s future.
Not to be hyperbolic or anything!
How Facebook Has Changed the World and Continues to Change the World
When you think of transformative businesses that work online, perhaps the one that comes to mind first is Facebook. Facebook is of course a social media network that allows us to connect to people we’ve met both online and in the real world.
Today, if you meet someone at a party, you don’t need to ask for their number – you can just get their name and then look them up on Facebook!
Of course, the notion of a social network was not new when Mark Zuckerberg first built Facebook. We already had the likes of MySpace and Friendster.
But what was new was the way that Mark went about marketing and designing Facebook. The ability to tag friends in photos was one of the first big innovations that made the platform stand out, for instance. And then came the inclusion of the ‘home feed’ – controversial at first, but ultimately a fantastic way to catch up on what all your friends were doing.
Smart design choices like this and a fantastic roll-out ultimately resulted in Facebook becoming larger than any single country in the world in terms of its members. Not only that, but it has genuinely changed the way that we interact with other people.
Many of us, for instance, now have some idea of what our classmates from school are doing with their lives. These are people that we never would have stayed in touch with otherwise.
Likewise, many of us will now find it easier to maintain a larger social network.
But Mark and co. are not happy to stop there and call it a day. They’ve already acquired Oculus with the intention of allowing us to meet our friends in a virtual setting for example. And in the future, they plan on introducing systems to help communities work together and even vote on important matters. Zuckerberg wants this to serve as a blueprint for how governments could one day handle elections and referendums.
Facebook has also been credited with helping to make the world a slightly smaller place; for helping us to gain a better understanding of people in different parts of the world. And through exposure to Western influences, it has been credited with leading to many progressive movements – including the Arab spring.
Would the fall of Gaddafi have happened if it were not for Facebook?
Of course, it’s not all positive either. Facebook has also contributed to the perpetuation of ‘fake news’ – and this has even been suggested to have helped contribute to the election of president Trump! Facebook has also been a place for extreme views to be perpetuated and there has been much discussion as to whether Facebook should take a more active role in policing its feeds and groups.
Other Details- Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 73 Pages
- 17 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Checklist, Resource Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Optin Page, Social Media Images, Email Swipes
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 13,174 KB
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