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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Talent Recognition
Chapter 3: SWOT Analysis
Chapter 4: Inspiration Generation
Chapter 5: Ignition
Chapter 6: Integration
Wrapping Up
True success
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Chapter 2: Talent Recognition
Talent recognition is usually the early parts of a person’s childhood. A proud parent cannot stop talking about his or her child’s talents. Unlike a habit, a talent is something that is inbuilt and not something that you gather over time. Your talent is the one property that you don’t need to trademark to prove that it is your own. However, talent is usually raw unless nurtured.
There are many inspiring people who have made it big solely based on their raw talent but the grandest of achievers are those who have developed their natural talent into some sort of a masterpiece. For example, on stage you can tell that the actor is well trained if he can emote much better than the rest right. Similar is the case in real life. Although very talented, many actors have not made it big. Why?
There is a start to every career. The very first step toward success is goal setting. The greatest of achievers are usually the ones who have achieved over and above what they set out to do.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to set a small goal and achieve above that. The higher your goal, the harder you would work and the better your final performance will be.
Usually the process of goal setting involves two things namely a few targets and a goal. Targets are those small limits you set yourself up to reach before you eventually achieve your ultimate big goal.
From a high school student preparing for an exam to an executive preparing for a presentation to the stage actors preparing back stage, targets or goals are most essential. It not only gives you the clear field to play on but also enhances your performance because you know where you are headed. A very SMART way of setting goals followed by many these days is:
S – Specific (or Significant).
M – Measurable (or Meaningful).
A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).
R – Relevant (or Rewarding).
T – Time-bound (or Trackable).
This sort of segregation gives you an overall idea of what you mainly what you want to achieve. It also helps to keep things more organized. When you have separate and specific goals, you can have an easier
task when you map out how to achieve them. Setting personal goals not only gives you a destination, it also gives you a raise in self-confidence as you now recognize your own ability. By setting clear cut goals, you have are more focused and when you achieve each one of these you feel the sense of pride that you had forgotten about.
Chapter 3:
SWOT Analysis
The next step would be to find means to achieve these goals that you have set for yourself. The environment around you is a source for all kinds of opportunities.
Finding these opportunities can take awhile but when you do find – it is like releasing a dam of water. They are going to be knocking on your door all the time. Whether they knock once or twice is not the main issue. The issue is, frankly speaking, if you are ready to open the door. Are you ready to face the world and put your name out there?
A simple solution to this confusion is a SWOT analysis. Note down your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Analyze yourself because nobody knows you better than yourself. If your strengths outweigh your weaknesses then blindly open the door next time. However, if it is vise versa, what do you do?
A typical self analysis tells a person how he understands himself. Where a SWOT analysis shows that you seem to have more weaknesses and threats, it calls for serious Self development. Self development involves improvement of self-awareness and self knowledge.
Also, it includes improving ones identity and self-perception. There are many ‘self-help’ groups in all parts of the country to aid in a person’s self development. There groups not only help a person develop mentally, but also inspires him or her to ignite such integration in others as well.
Self development mainly revolves around a person’s attitude towards things. Optimism is the first thing that self-help groups aim to develop in a person. The attitude reflects his outlook on life. The more positive the outlook, the better chances he has of proper utilization of given opportunities.
Also, self-help groups integrate people of the same type. This gives both emotional support and a sense of belonging to the person.
When you think you are going to fail, you do usually end up failing. Obviously, the immediate argument is that ‘failure is the stepping stone to success’. How many of those stones are you going to step on before you plan to succeed?
A person who doesn’t mind failure is a person who hasn’t worked hard enough to succeed. A stage director never throws around compliments. He moulds and builds his actors till they reach their peak. In similarity, life is not going to appreciate you for every stitch you make in achieving your goal. Only in actual achievement can you bask in your glory. Mould yourself, find your path and ensure you are focused enough to walk through it.
Robert Frost saw that the other road in yellow woods was not somewhere people liked to go. But he took that road anyway. Life has obstacles lurking around in every corner of your path toward your goal. The next step to self development is, planning.
Planning is basically the process of deciding how to do, what to do and when to do it. Once you are clear about these three aspects, no matter what path you take, your goal will never seem far.
An important thing to be considered about an actor is his versatility. He plays many roles in a single stage performance. A woman is first a girl, then a teenager, a lady, a mother, a grandmother and finally what is she? She leaves the world an inspiration to her offspring. Nobody is insignificant.
With or without your knowledge you probably inspire someone on a day to day basis. The key to self development is never underestimating yourself. The minute you set boundaries for yourself, your scope for development becomes immensely restricted.
Explore, reach out, and get involved with the other actors around you! They are merely playing many roles too. Boundaries don’t keep other people out but they fence you in. You never know what you are
capable of until you take that step and go to the other side. Maybe the view from there is something you would love.
So now we have a goal, a way to reach it and a plan to go about our reaching process. What next? Execution of the above well laid out plans. All the hard hours you put into creating a plan for yourself will be worth it once you execute it just the way you plan. There are a few mind boggling questions that generally arise in most self help groups. Some of them being:
– Am I good enough for this?
– Will I succeed?
– Will this make a difference?
The most important question of them all being – How do I execute this plan?
What you have in front of you is a relatively simple plan of what you want. However, the confusion begins when you don’t know how to do it. How do you suddenly just execute your plan? The answer to it a pretty little word in the English language called – inspiration.
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