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step by step through your exciting journey.
So our advice is to read this guide all the way to the end first and then go back to the start and begin taking action. Just reading this guide will achieve nothing. You need to take action if you want to be an Internet marketing success.
We wish you every success in Internet marketing!
As a stay at home mom taking care of your child or children, there is a great opportunity for you to make money withyour computer and a connection to the Internet. There are many Internet marketing models that you can choose from and we will cover some of these in this guide.
The first thing that you need to do is assess whether working from home doing Internet marketing is the right thing for you to do. It is not for everyone. To be a successful Internet Marketer you need to be committed and make time to perform the necessary tasks. This is not always easy when you have children to take care of.
The good news is that there are many ways that you can earn money online from home and there should be a solution that is right for you. You are interested in Internet marketing from home otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this guide would you?
So we want to convince you that you can make money online from home while taking care of your kids at the same time. Many other stay at home moms are doing this and there is no reason why you cannot do it too.
It is important that you take a few things into consideration before settling on an Internet marketing online business model that suits you. You need to ensure that your children are being looked after first and foremost. There is also the financial side to bear in mind as well.
Getting Support from your Family
Having the support ofyour family is essential for you to succeed with Internet marketing as a stay at home mom. Not all of your family members are going to understand what you will be doing or why you are doing it, so you need to do your best to make them understand.
You needto devote uninterrupted time to your online business pursuits. So you need to explain to your partner and your children (if they are old enough to understand) that when you are working then you don’t want to be interrupted. This can be tough on your kids if they are used to you responding to their every whim.
If you have young children that require a lot of care then you need to have a support network in place that will take care of them when you need to work. If you have a partner then they should be fully behind you and willing to take the children off your hands when you are working.
Your mom and dad and your partner’s mom and dad can help too if they are willing and live reasonably close by. A lot of grandparents complain that they don’t see their grandkids often enough –well this is an opportunity to change that.
Ask members of your family to help you with other things around the house. If you have teenage children then they can help with washing dishes, buying groceries and other stuff. Teach them howto use the washer and dryer and the dishwasher. This might not go down too well initially, but if you pitch it in the right way to them they will probably help.
Consider your Financial Position
One of the best things about starting an online business from home is that the costs are a lot lower than with a conventional business. But you will probably need to spend a bit of money to get going. You need to be realistic and accept that it will take you a while to earn the income that you want.
Some online business models require more of an investment than others. We will explore this later in this guide. Being in control of your finances is important here. You need to know what your regular commitments are every month such as mortgage or rent payments, utilitybills, groceries, money for the children and so on.
Go through your monthly account statements in detail. Are you and your family spending money on things that you don’t really need? If so then discuss cutting these out with the family members involved.
If you are going to create your own website (which is a good idea) then you will need to spend around $10 a year for a domain name (your website address online) and a few bucks a month for website hosting (where your files are stored and made available on the Internet).
You may also need to use an autoresponders service (this is a service where you can send out automated emails to your potential customers) which will cost around $20 a month. With some online business models you can get started for literallynothing (e.g. affiliate marketing) and many people have done this.
You need good Self Discipline
Having the support of your family and the necessary funds to get started with your online business is good but, it will be useless if you don’t have the selfdiscipline to work on your business regularly.
There are many possible distractions when working from home so you need to be strong and focus on your Internet marketing.
You need to be motivated to work on your online business often. Every time you get a window of opportunity to work on your business then you need to take it. The best way to stay motivated is to set yourself some goals and create a “Why” statement.
Your “Why” statement is your reason for starting your online business. You need to think hard about this and then write down the reason or reasons why you want to make money online. Maybe you want to buy a new home, a new car, put your kids through college or go on a wonderful vacation. The reasons are personal to you.
Your “Why” statement needs to drive you to work on your online business. When you get involved with Internet marketing things are not always going to turn out the way you expect them to. This is when it is really tempting to give up and a lot of weak minded people do give up.
If you experience thoughts like this here is something that will keep you going –some stay at home moms have created online business at home that are now worth millions of dollars. Just do a search for this and you will find lots of examples. Moms that had a career before are now earning more than double their salary from home while taking care of the children.
Other Details- 10 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 36 Pages
- 5 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 11 Ecovers (JPG)
- 2 Promotional Ad Materials (Emails, Banners)
- Resource Report, Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Social Media Images, Legal Page, Sales Video,
- Year Released/Circulated: 2020
- File Size: 217,662 KB
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