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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – The Family Doctor Of Yesteryear
Chapter 2 – Anti Depressants
Chapter 3 – Shanna’s Story
Chapter 4 – The Pain Game
Chapter 5 – Dave’s Story
Chapter 6 – Anxiety And Stress
Chapter 7 – Michelle’s Story
Chapter 8 – Life Without Addiction
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Chapter 1 – The Family Doctor Of Yesteryear
Years ago, the family doctor could always be spotted by his black bag. He was almost always a “he,” too. Rare were women doctors, although some did exist. For the most part, however, the family doctor was an older man with a kindly smile, a stethoscope and a black bag.
You would call the family doctor and he would arrange for an appointment. In some cases, he had a nurse who answered the phone for him. When you went to visit the family doctor, who today is called a “general practitioner,” you would be brought into an examination room, examined and then brought into a consultation room and told what was wrong with you. At this point, if it was needed, a doctor would prescribe medicine.
In some cases, the doctor would come to the house. This was especially common when it was young children who were sick, but house calls were not uncommon at all for doctors as early as the mid 1960s. The doctor would bring his black bag and check you out. In many cases, a shot of penicillin was the remedy of the day. And it worked.. One shot of penicillin and a child was usually feeling much better.
You paid the doctor in cash for his services. He would sometimes wait for the money if someone was out of work. The family doctor of yesteryear believed in the Hippocratic Oath that he took and although he made a good amount of money, his primary concern was caring for his patients. If you had an ailment that the family doctor could not
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Source file
- Year Released/Circulated: 2008
- File Size: 675 KB
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