Salespage Snapshot
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Organization Tips 1-7
Chapter 2:
Organization Tips 8-14
Chapter 3:
Organization Tips 15-21
Chapter 4:
Organization Tips 22-28
Chapter 5:
Organization Tips 29-36
Chapter 6:
Organization Tips 37-43
Chapter 7:
Organization Tips 44-50
Wrapping Up
Sample Content Preview
Chapter 1:
Organization Tips 1-7
If you’re sick of living in a maze of clutter or if you can’t ever find what you need when you need it, you’ve come to the right place.
We’ll help you to get your life organized, one-step at a time.
As a matter of fact, you may begin right now. What’s the most disorganized area of your life—the one that makes you utterly crazy? Your closet? Your home office? The kids’ game room? You may take the first step towards getting it organized today by producing a vision.
Get A Vision
1. Ascertain your goals.
Before you begin anything, ascertain its goal. If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you ever arrive there? Set mini-goals and reinforce yourself for successes.
Don’t accept more than you may handle too soon, particularly if your goal is something outside your knowledge or present ability. It’s easy to get disheartened when you recognize that your goal of running 3 miles a day has petered out after 2 weeks because you can’t seem to get past one mile a day. Unless you’ve been an active runner it’s better to begin slow and work your way up in increments. When you begin small and set mini-goals for yourself, you’re much more likely to succeed.
You just began a job as a sales clerk and have a goal of becoming sales manager in 6 months. That’s most likely not going to occur, and you’re setting yourself up for letdown. Set goals that are getable by assessing the truth of the situation and gathering info. This is particularly crucial when setting goals where somebody else plays a pivotal role in whether you accomplish success, like your boss. It’s great to aim big, but not so big that you can’t accomplish your goal.
2. Unclutter your desk.
An uncluttered desk erases unneeded distractions and helps keep your mind on tasks that require immediate attention. Keep only the particulars on your desk that tie in to your current projects.
Clear the computer desk of paper. File most of the paperwork out of sight in clearly labeled folders. Place a cheat sheet on a nearby wall or
under a keyboard for data that must be quickly accessed, like phone numbers and non-confidential account numbers; this will reduce the amount of paper on the desk. Limit pens and pencils on the desk surface to the few you use on a regular basis. Put most pens and pencils neatly away in a drawer. File DVDs, CDs and additional media storage items neatly into a notebook organizer for easy access.
3. Do not trust your memory.
You run the risk of letting undertakings fall through the cracks. The most beneficial way to never forget an appointment, a deadline or a particular again, is to write everything down.
An appointment book helps you to organize your time activities effectively. It enables you to prioritize activities according to their importance, when they have to be accomplished, and to plan ahead. For example, if you know the exact date of a crucial meeting a week beforehand, you are able to set aside time to prepare for it more effectively.
4. Consolidate like actions.
Rather than beginning and stopping at different levels of activity, you’ll save time by doing all of your outgoing calls together, taking care of all your errands at one time, etc.
Consolidate the cooking by making triple batches and freezing. Make simpler meals nightly. Try to organize the grocery shopping so you only go once a week, once every 10 days, or even once every two weeks.
5. Clear out your files.
Before you go through the expense of buying more file cabinets, folders, etc., take the time to purge all unneeded paperwork and materials.
Separate the papers that are truly important like, bills, documents and receipts that you need to keep for tax purposes, statements etc.
6. Utilize one calendar.
The biggest error individuals make when utilizing planning calendars is to keep more than one. Keep personal, professional and family particulars on one calendar. It will help to wipe out scheduling conflicts. Remember, ‘the man who wears two watches, never knows the right time.’
With today’s hectic schedules, it frequently helps to run your email, calendar and reminders in one feature. Utilizing Microsoft Outlook’s calendar feature will ensure that you’ll never miss an engagement because you lost track of time surfing the Web.
7. Cut down phone tag.
Plan calls (whether to doctors, plumbers, clients, etc.) whenever possible. Have all essential materials in front of you. Write key questions down beforehand.
Register all your actions. Every thing that needs to be remembered needs to be written someplace. Even when you’ve a privileged memory, nobody is perfect, it wont hurt anybody to write what you do in a paper just in case. Register phone numbers, appointments, birthdays, shopping lists, and to-do lists.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 33 Pages
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2017
- File Size: 2,974 KB
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