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If you believe you are suffering from cell phone addiction, you will want to take the needed steps to change this right away. Your relationships could go down hill if you do not. Plus, you will feel much better the less you are on your phone. You will have time for hobbies and things that you enjoy again!
Check-In On Your Phone Usage
Before you get started with the below hacks, you will want to check-in on your current phone usage. This allows you to know where you need to improve and cut back. There are many apps out there that can be used to track your usage.
“Moment” is a popular option. It tracks your usage and records how much time you spend on apps. Overall, phone tracking apps will give you a base point. From there, you can work on reducing the amount of time you spend checking it.
If you try to go into breaking a serious phone addiction without using a tool to track your progress, it will be much, much harder to overcome. By having numbers available to work with, you can also feel proud of your results.
Once you have your phone usage tracker installed, get to work on these hacks!
1. Turn Off Notifications
The first hack is to turn off your phone’s notifications. If you constantly reach for your phone the second it makes a sound, this will help you a lot. We are trained to respond to notifications- we react to each with a pleasure response. This makes our brains want more notifications.
If you want to stop bad phone habits, turning off notifications for most of your apps will help you stay productive. There will be a lot less interruptions ruining your focus. Plus, you will notice that you have a lot more time to yourself.
You will want to turn notifications off for:
● Social media
● News feeds
● Game updates and promotions
Additionally, it is important that you turn off badges. These are the red icons that appear next to your apps when you have unread notifications. These can be just as distracting as notifications.
You will only want to have notifications on for messaging services or calls that keep you in touch with your loved ones. Plus, you may want to have notifications for work or other projects.
It is essential that you turn off social media notifications, as these can take up the most of your time. Once you do not feel pressured to check every tag, comment, or like right away, you will find that you have much more time available to you.
You can also turn on “Do Not Disturb” while at work. This sets your phone to silent automatically, but keeps important notifications on your screen. Many people prefer this setting so their loved ones messages and calls still make it through to them.
2. Turn on Grayscale
Once you have turned notifications off, the next step would be to turn on gray scale. Doing so helps to reduce the attractive and distracting colors on your phone screen. Apps are designed to capture your attention then hold it as long as possible- even their colors are designed to pull you in.
The red badges are that color on purpose. The color red sets on an “alarm” in your head each time you notice it on your screen, which causes you to check the app. This makes every message, comment, like, or tag feel like an emergency. It starts to feel like you need to check the app right away, even if it’s just to get rid of the notification or badge.
Plus, we love to look at aesthetically pleasing images. When you notice a lot of beautiful images on your screen, you might have a harder time setting the phone down. Turning on grayscale helps reduce the attraction images in apps have. Suddenly, everything feels more relaxed and less like an emergency.
Turning grayscale on in iPhone is easy:
● Open Settings, General, Accessibility
● Tap Display Accommodations, then Color Filters
● Set Grayscale to On
3. Only Keep Tools On Your Phone Homepage
Turning off notifications and turning on grayscale should have a noticeable impact on your phone addiction. However, if you are still struggling, you can take it one step further. You will need to spend some time organizing your apps and tools.
Other Details- 4 Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 9 Pages
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 4 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 11,842 KB
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