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Table of Contents
Introduction 6
The Modern Dilemma ……. 7
Conquering Information Overload – What You Will Learn ……….10
Chapter 1. Too Many Decisions .. 13
How to Reduce Decisions ……….15
Clothing ……….15
Food …16
Shopping ……..17
‘Nights’ 17
Chapter 2. Organizing Your Home ………. 19
Get Ruthless ……20
Designated Rooms ………21
Staying on Top of Cleaning ……..22
Aim High .23
Chapter 3. Organizing Your Social Life .. 25
Prioritize . 26
Forget Frenemies …….27
Keep a Calendar 28
Facebook ……….. 30
Chapter 4. Organizing Your Time ………..32
Recognize Your Limits ….33
Timing Your Tasks ……… 35
Multitasking …….. 36
Close Open Loops ………. 36
Chapter 5: Work, Work, Work …… 38
Be More Productive at Work ……. 39
Removing Distractions …. 40
The Pomodoro Technique ………. 43
Reducing Email ……….. 44
Reducing Communication Overhead …… 44
Flexitime . 45
Chapter 6. Be Clear About Your Goals … 47
How to Write Goals Properly …… 49
Chapter 7. Limit Your Sources of Information … 51
Pick Some New Hobbies 52
Meditation ……….. 53
Have Quiet Time 54
Chapter 8. Value Your Time …….. 56
Outsourcing …….. 57
Chapter 9. Be Vocal ……… 59
Asking Friends for Help .. 60
Other Ways to be Vocal .. 61
Chapter 10. Inside and Out – Health Habits ……. 62
Eating for Energy 63
Clean, Sharp, and Impressive …. 64
More Lifestyle Tips………..64
A Day to Rearrange………67
Moving Forward…68
Sample Content Preview
You pack your family off for school and work respectively and then you set off yourself. You’re late, because it took you 20 minutes to choose what you were going to wear and to find your keys. And because you lay there on the couch for 5 minutes doing nothing.
What follows is a tedious and frustrating 10-90 minutes of commuting – complete with angry fellow commuters, stuffy carriages and probably a fair amount of time spent playing Candy Crush. By the time you get into work, you’re already stressed, late and feeling a headache come on from peering at a small screen under artificial lighting.
You then have a strong coffee, leaving you feeling wired, and you open your inbox to 10,000 emails (okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration but you get the point!). You set yourself some things to achieve for the day – just so you can get back to feeling ‘on top’ of work, but then you spend the next 20 minutes on Facebook and YouTube watching cat videos.
And staring at photos of your friends on sunny holidays wondering what went so wrong with your life…
Lunch comes and you feel like you’ve barely done anything. You head out for lunch and grab the cheapest thing you can find that’s sugary and have another strong coffee.
This doesn’t exactly fuel you with energy for the second half of the day, which is spent largely putting out fires. How can you be expected to progress in your career and to get the kind of lifestyle you want, when you’re spending the whole-time treading water?
By the end of the day, you’ve spent most of your time responding to emails and trying not to get distracted. You end up leaving an hour late, which is followed by another hour of commuting.
You’re now home at 7pm. You should make a healthy meal for your family, maybe suggest a fun activity that you can all get up to? But you’re completely stuck for inspiration, so instead you put on a pizza and a film and crash on the couch for the next hour.
The house is untidy and messy though, so you feel generally anxious and stressed instead of getting any relaxation.
There were things you were meant to do this evening too: calling your friend who you haven’t spoken to in ages for example was high on the list. So was paying that bill. Only you can’t face the idea of paying that bill because you don’t want to rummage through the piles of documents on your desk. You’re not even sure you can find the bill anymore. Which would mean calling them on your lunch break to get them to send out another one.
You haven’t even looked at your bank account because you don’t want to know how bad it is. You’re supposed to be saving for a mortgage/your kids’ college fund, but you have that stag/hen party coming up that you can’t really afford but can’t really get out of either…
And you don’t want to call your friend because you’ve now only got an hour left before you start getting ready for bed. And how can you justify calling that friend when you haven’t paid the bill? So you avoid looking at the WhatsApp message because you don’t want them to see that you’ve seen it.
Let alone spending any time with your wife/husband?
Then you get an email from work reminding you how much you have to do tomorrow, which only stressed you out further. You browse Facebook a bit more and respond to some notifications from Candy Crush.
Then you hit the sack – later than planned – and having done barely any of the things you wanted to do. You still haven’t read that new book you bought and were excited about.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day?
Except you can’t get any sleep because you’re stressed, and you just spent the last hours before bed looking at screens. And the coffee is still in your system…
And at the weekend you have about 20 things to do and that dinner party you’re supposed to be going to.
Conquering Information Overload – What You Will Learn
That last section wasn’t designed to make you feel even more stressed and anxious than perhaps you already are. Rather, it was intended to draw attention to some of the very real issues that we face on a daily basis.
Most of us simply have too much to do, we are too ‘wired’ and we are too bombarded with information, decisions and more. Approximately half of us are burned out because we’re trying to do too much and because we’re struggling just to keep afloat. The irony is that we actually end up achieving less the more we try and squeeze in and as such, we can never get ahead.
But there is an answer and there are ways around these problems.
The secret is organization.
It might sound like a small thing but staying organized is actually everything in today’s environment. By staying organized and keeping on top of all that information, those huge to-do lists and your calendar, you can take each challenge one step at a time.
You can automate some of the work that is taking up the most time and energy, you can delegate and you can find better ways to think about the problems and challenges that come up.
Once you learn to prioritize, organize and schedule, you’ll find life becomes MUCH more manageable and that you have far more time for yourself, your family and your goals. You get to actually enjoy life again, while at the same time standing more of a chance of achieving everything you want to achieve.
The digital age is partly the result of all the computers and tools that are now integral to the way we work. So the solution? Start thinking and working more like a computer. That means being methodical, organized and logical.
Other Details- 10 Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 69 Pages
- 10 Graphics (JPG, PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Checklist, Resource Cheat Sheet, Mindmap
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 16,377 KB
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