Salespage Snapshot

Table of Contents
List Building – Your Bread & Butter 5
Leveraging on Joint Ventures 8
Invest Regularly in Advertising 12
New Wave – Give Away Events 15
Recommended Resources + Bonuses 19
Sample Content Preview
It wouldn‟t take but one to do a lot of damage and if you send hundreds, you‟ll never get the fine paid off… at least not in just one lifetime. Do you NEED an opt-in list? YES! Your list is your bread and butter.
Now, let‟s discuss ways in which one can go about building that bread and butter opt-in list. There are several ways that have been proven to be very effective list building techniques.
One way to build your bread and butter opt-in list is to write articles and submit them to article banks.
If you weren‟t blessed with any writing ability at all or if you simply do not have the time to devote to writing articles, you can have articles written for you by ghostwriters or you can join a PLR site and download articles that will just need some rewriting to prevent them from being identified as duplicate content by search engine spiders. These articles need to be no longer than 300 to 400 words and they need to be keyword rich. Your resource box needs to include your name and a link to your website.
Another proven list building technique is to join and post to blogs and forums that are dedicated to a topic that relates to the products and services that you sell. You must be careful not to post blatant advertisements on these sites. That’s a big no-no. You will need to post 3 to 5 times each and every week to these sites and you sig tag on your posts needs to be your name and a link to your website.
Exchanging links with websites that sell products and services that are complimentary to but not identical to the products and services that you sell is another way to build your bread and butter list.
Now, some marketers do not believe in link exchanges. They object to the idea of two way traffic and don‟t think that a marketer should ever post a link that takes traffic away from his or her website. The key word, however, is TWO way. A link exchange also brings traffic to your website that you might not otherwise ever see and every person who visits your website is a potential customer or, at the very least, a possible addition to that bread and butter opt-in list.
Then there is paid advertising to consider for the purpose of list building.
A PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign is not free, of course, but if your list is greatly increased because of it then it will be money that has been well spent. PPC campaigns are very effective tools for list building… and more especially so if you can give something away for free. People do love „free‟. Free reports… free utilities… free E-Books… if it‟s free, it adds to your bread and butter opt-in list.
A very effective, maybe even the most effective, way to use paid advertising to build your list is to advertise in E-zines that relate to the topic of your website and to the products and services that you sell.
E-zine advertising is very targeted advertising that has proven to be effective as well as cost effective. The people who will see your advertisement are the very people who are most likely to buy the products or services that you sell and to join your opt-in list… and, did I mention that it is cheap? You can usually get an advertisement in an E-zine for $30 or less.
The well established and savvy Internet marketers all know just how important list building is. List building is at the top of their „to-do‟ list every single day. List building is never considered a side effect… it is the object of their attraction to every enterprise that they consider undertaking. They know that their lists really are their bread and butter. They fully understand that without their lists that they are without a business and you should believe that with all your heart because it is true.
Leveraging on Joint Ventures
When Internet marketers hear the term, „Joint Venture‟ they will immediately begin to drool… maybe ever to slightly… but they are certainly drooling.
New marketers dream of getting that first lucrative Joint Venture deal under their belts (and into their bank accounts). Well-seasoned Internet marketers always have both ears and both eyes wide open searching for their next Joint Venture opportunity.
Everybody wants a Joint Venture for the very simple reason that they are lucrative… and „lucrative‟ is an understatement.
The first, most important and most on-going task of every Internet marketer is to build an opt-in list.
There are basically three kinds of lists and all of them are not created equally.
First there are lists that are bought… these are just about worthless.
Second there are lists of potential customers. Potential customer lists are valuable because they are lists of people who have opted in to a mailing list and may well buy something at some point but they haven‟t as yet.
The third kind of list is the „paid customers list‟. The paid customers list is the one that is very, very, very valuable. This is a list of people who have actually bought a product or service. They have already proven that they will spend money. Most importantly, the paid customer list is one of the factors that potential Joint Venture partners will base their decision of whether to Joint Venture with you or not will base their decision upon. So… building a paid customer list is the number one task for an Internet marketer. In order to build a paid customer list, you may well have to give something away. One of the best ways to build a paid customer list is to offer a product that is relatively inexpensive… say one that will sell for $9.95 or even $19.95… to Joint Venture partners and allow them to keep all of the profits from the sale. That‟s right. Give them 100% of the profit… the whole $9.95 or $19.95 that the product sells for.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 43 Pages
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- 2 Ecovers (JPG, PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 13,963 KB
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